mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Help Honorbuddy Stuck at Log in screen

Hi, been having logging issues for a few days. I have done every other solution listed in the forums.

Flushed DNS, reseted Host file, Firewall + Antivirus disabled, Reinstalled/updated all C++/framework language packs, fresh install of Honorbuddy, runing wow as admin on 32bit/dx9 and also tried on dx11.

The thing is its been running without a hitch since last week. I've done everything myself to sort this but of no avail. Please if someone can help me with this. Log file is attached. Thank you.

Attached Files

Help Honorbuddy Stuck at Log in screen

WoW Crashes within 2 mins after bot started

Today ive been having the issue, that when i start the bot (no matter which bot it is) wow will crash within 2 mins.

I have fresh installed wow, honorbuddy, all bot addons, tried running in dx 9 & 11. Ive copied nothing over from previous installs.

Ive tried everything i could find on the forums that could possibly relate to my issue.

This is my log file

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Attached Files

WoW Crashes within 2 mins after bot started

Framelock help

I feel like such a noob, I can not figure out the framelock when using Enyo/Lazyraider.

I have dual gtx 780s. I play this game at a beautiful 60fps vsync. Second I enable enyo or lazyraider even with framelock enabled at ive tried 15-60fps.

Always shoots down to 5-9fps when bot is started. Ive tried fresh installs, Updated gpu, enabled/disabled framelock.

Am I missing something? Thank you for any help I receive.


Framelock help

Done with wow - anywhere to sell HB key?

Anyone know where you can sell HB keys since I doubt they would buy them back.

Got a 3 session life time.

Or anyone know anyone looking for some? trying to get like $25 for the 3 session.

Done with wow - anywhere to sell HB key?

Do horbuddy have Macro - Plugin ?

Do horbuddy have Macro - Plugin ? plz

Do horbuddy have Macro - Plugin ?

fix this?


my plugsin class config and all that stuff is gone

Attached Images

fix this?

Want to Change my account email

Long time i dont use the old email... its paid so i want to leave can i change to my actual email ??? I mean the HB email... not the forum one.

Want to Change my account email

gatherbuddy gone retarded

gatherbuddy is acting very weird it keeps skipping nodes and gettign stuck even with profiles i know for a fact have worked flawlessly and nothing weird is going on in the logs

gatherbuddy gone retarded

Tony,i need your help.DB can't work normal!!!!

DB note this word:WeightSet Using stat weight category Default weights for Armor for scoring item. the bot stuck.and can't play normal.

Attached Files

Tony,i need your help.DB can't work normal!!!!

Buddy store not accepting password

Hello ive had my password stored in my computer for months now and i got locked out today because it said it wasnt valid. and locked me from the store how do i correct that and is it common for the Buddy stop through HB to cause issues? And what do i do to unlock my Auth account?

Buddy store not accepting password

[REQUEST] Do not use mount for rogue!

I have not been able to find away to turn off mounting through the honorbuddy settings.

My rogue stealths just as fast as rides a mount. I'd like the option to never mount up. I saw the plugin for alwaysdruid and thought this would also be doable.

[REQUEST] Do not use mount for rogue!

hapy new year

happy new year honor buddy suports and moderators and whatever

hapy new year

Tried reinstalling honorbuddy and getting errors

I tried attacking the log but it is saying invalid file so here is the copy of it.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\Users\neoalien\Downloads\Honorbuddy Installer v2.5.12479.763.exe, cmdline: ''

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Initializing string variable 'InstallFolder' to value '[PersonalFolder]Honorbuddy'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\Honorbuddy_2 0150101074521.log'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\neoalien\Downloads\Honorbuddy Installer v2.5.12479.763.exe'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Honorbuddy'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i100: Detect begin, 3 packages

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Setting version variable 'MFC110_Version_x86' to value '11.0.50727.1'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378758'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378675' evaluates to true.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]w120: Detected partially cached package: vcredist110_x86, invalid payload: vcredist110_x86, reason: 0x80070570

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i101: Detected package: NetFx451Web, state: Present, cached: None

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i101: Detected package: vcredist110_x86, state: Absent, cached: Partial

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i101: Detected package: Honorbuddy, state: Absent, cached: None

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:21]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i200: Plan begin, 3 packages, action: Install

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx451Web

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i052: Condition '(NOT MFC110_Version_x86 >= v12.0.21005.1) OR NOT MFC110_Version_x86' evaluates to true.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: vcredist110_x86

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_vcredist110_x86' to value 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\Honorbuddy_2 0150101074521_0_vcredist110_x86.log'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_Honorbuddy' to value 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\Honorbuddy_2 0150101074521_1_Honorbuddy_rollback.log'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_Honorbuddy' to value 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\Honorbuddy_2 0150101074521_1_Honorbuddy.log'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i201: Planned package: NetFx451Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i201: Planned package: vcredist110_x86, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: Yes, dependency: None

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i201: Planned package: Honorbuddy, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:45:24]i300: Apply begin

[1718:171C][2015-01-01T07:45:35]i360: Creating a system restore point.

[1718:171C][2015-01-01T07:46:16]i361: Created a system restore point.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:16]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\.be\Honorbuddy Installer v2.5.12479.763.exe' to: 'C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Package Cache\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\Honorbuddy Installer v2.5.12479.763.exe'

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:16]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}, version: 2.5.12479.763

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:16]w343: Prompt for source of package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, path: C:\Users\neoalien\Downloads\vcredist_x86.exe

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:16]i338: Acquiring package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, download from:

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify expected payload against actual certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify signature of payload: vcredist110_x86

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e310: Failed to verify payload: vcredist110_x86 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490. Deleting file.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e314: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86 from working path: C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490.

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:19]e349: Application requested retry of payload: vcredist110_x86, encountered error: 0x80070490. Retrying...

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:19]w343: Prompt for source of package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, path: C:\Users\neoalien\Downloads\vcredist_x86.exe

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:22]i338: Acquiring package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, download from:

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify expected payload against actual certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify signature of payload: vcredist110_x86

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e310: Failed to verify payload: vcredist110_x86 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490. Deleting file.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e314: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86 from working path: C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490.

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:22]e349: Application requested retry of payload: vcredist110_x86, encountered error: 0x80070490. Retrying...

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:22]w343: Prompt for source of package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, path: C:\Users\neoalien\Downloads\vcredist_x86.exe

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:25]i338: Acquiring package: vcredist110_x86, payload: vcredist110_x86, download from:

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify expected payload against actual certificate chain.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify signature of payload: vcredist110_x86

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e310: Failed to verify payload: vcredist110_x86 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490. Deleting file.

[1718:1758][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86

[15BC:10F4][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e314: Failed to cache payload: vcredist110_x86 from working path: C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Temp\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\vcredist110_x86, error: 0x80070490.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:26]e000: Error 0x80070490: Failed while caching, aborting execution.

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:26]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:26]i352: Removing cached bundle: {2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}, from path: C:\Users\neoalien\AppData\Local\Package Cache\{2f987c34-7585-4033-b5f1-b2e4e05fc916}\

[15BC:15C0][2015-01-01T07:46:27]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070490, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

Tried reinstalling honorbuddy and getting errors

stuck "loading tiles" to often...fix please

What is the bot trying to do when it says "loading tiles"?

stuck "loading tiles" to often...fix please

Plug-in for looting

can anyone make a plug-in where the User can manually set what items are picked up with certain att/prefix armour rings gloves boots ect..?

or maybe

a plug-in that can sell certain att/prefit trash items that are stored in stash without selling the items one wants to keep?

Plug-in for looting

What happened to Kicks's 90-100 Profiles

On my kick's profile I got off of the buddy store it is missing the 90-100 profiles. Anyone?

What happened to Kicks's 90-100 Profiles

[N][GB2]Spires of Arak Herb and Mining by Gatherit

%100 AFK

Horde and Alliance

Vendor and Mailbox

Gatherbuddy2 Bot
Made for ground gathering

Set bot to loot mobs for more herbs/hr because it kills the mobs that spawn when gathering herbs. These mobs drop 10-17 herbs so it's important that you enable looting in the bot config under the manage tab.

I will update it on my google drive here but the current profile works flawless.

[N][GB2]Spires of Arak Herb and Mining by Gatherit

Acil Yardım..! Merhaba Hesabım geçersiz mi anlayamadım yardımcı olurmusun Bayram bey

ilk 20 lvli görevlerle beraber yapan bot şimdi normal bot programı gibi sadece mob keserek görev yapmadan kasıyor bi forum konusunda yazmışsınız Bayram bey buddy store den indirin diye ordan kullanıcı adımı ve şifremi girdiğimde böyle bi kullanıcının olmadığını yazıyor siteden kullanıcı adı şifre göndertip giriyorum yine buddy storede geçerli olmuyor kullanıcı adım şifrem ne yapmam gerekiyor anlayamıyorum 3 site var ve 3 ününde ayrı şifre ve kullanıcı adıylamı giriliyor anlayamadım bi türlü

Acil Yardım..! Merhaba Hesabım geçersiz mi anlayamadım yardımcı olurmusun Bayram bey

How to run a plugin without the bot doing anything else?

So i'm testing out a plugin I made, and I want to see if it works, but the issue is it seems the only way I have been able to figure out how to test it is to enable it and then run the bot in Combat mode. Is there any way I can run my plugin with Honorbuddy without having honorbuddy simulate any abilities?

Ex. How do I run a plugin without honorbuddy automatically using abilities/applying poisons/etc?

I feel like this should be possible since there are plugins like trapbuddy

where all it does is assist in landing traps. I'm wondering how people are running these though without having the program interfere with anything other than that one plugin.

How to run a plugin without the bot doing anything else?

Can we make a bridge between plugins?

I wonder if we can make a bridge between plugins. Let's say.. Like using labor generator until the cap, and then a mining plugin will spend all the labor generated from generator. I bought AB yesterday and i will mostly use it when im sleeping. So it takes 4 hours to get 2000 labor. Instead of wasting my time when i woke up with mining, could we bind them together and make it start mining after generating done?

I'm not sure the "bridge" is the right word to describe what i want to say. English is not my mothertongue. Hope you guys understand what i mean.

Can we make a bridge between plugins?

Honor Buddy started to randomly close?

It just closes randomly, I have no idea why. I run it in admin mode already.

Honor Buddy started to randomly close?

Certain Botbases not appearing in drop down box for selection.

As the title says, I am not finding certain botbases for selection.

GarrisonBuddy and Salesman are the two that I have been trying to get to appear. I seem to remember them working in 763, but I cannot be sure.

I have already run the Buddy Wizard to make sure everything is installed, and reinstalled VCRedist.

I reinstalled HB into a fresh folder and merged old folder in to be sure there was nothing interfering.

The only new addon I have installed is ReleasetMe.

Attached Files

Certain Botbases not appearing in drop down box for selection.

[Request] Garrison Invasion

Im looking for a "automated garrison invasion" profile of sorts..

What i am trying to achieve is to have my 2nd (botted) character stand and kill mobs by itself at a spot in the garrison while my controlled character kills off other mobs at a different spot. So far i found that if i use the regular "partybot", he will ofc just follow my regular toon, and its impossible to have him run around doing anything by himself.

Now, if i put on eg. "combat bot" or similar, i can get him to fight, but only the ones i target and nuke manually.. Since the mobs entering the garrison will be attacking NPC's, it wont auto attack them by itself, and if i have to target/nuke manually most mobs entering it wont be particularly effective..

Anyone got a profile (or can nudge me in the right direction) for this? :)


[Request] Garrison Invasion

Questing 1-100 pack not containing the WoD profiles.

Hello. I downloaded the free 1-100 questing pack and as I go to use it on my 91 rogue non of the 90-100 profiles load. I tried reloading the bot but that did nothing since the profiles are saved to my account. and it doesn't let me redownload the questing profiles. Anyone have the same problem? And if anyone knows the solution i'd greatly appreciate it.

Questing 1-100 pack not containing the WoD profiles.

World of Warcraft -- Account Closure Notification -- Exploitative Activity Found

***Notice of Account Closure***

Account Name: WOW1

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy

This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.

Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.

We've found the above behavior is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: Impact of Buying Gold - Shop - World of Warcraft

The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation. Note that additional Terms of Use violations may result in more severe actions against this account, up to and including permanent closure.

If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here:

For any disputes of this action or further information on exploitive activity, please visit the Account Administration Overview and contact page here: How to Appeal Suspensions and Closures - Support


Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment

Sad part is that I just logged into the account to get my characters to level up from 85 - 86 as a group in Jade Forrest, before putting them onto a 2hr window not more than 2 running at a time farming location and I walked away from the computer and came back to all "5" windows with this message.. I was running 2 sets of crew. One at night and 1 during the day.. This was the day crew, the night crew has been off line for the last 24 hours and I will not start botting on them till tomorrow (1/1/2015).

I gave them this message hopefully it will work to get me unbanned.. then I will just bot them for 1 - 2 hours each with a 4 - 6 hour break between bottings.

"My friends and I have been leveling together to get to level 90 so that we can start to quest and do old school instances and raiding.. We have not traded any gold with anybody for real life money... I am not sure why this has caused us to be banned. There was nor has their ever been any illegal activities on this account. We play during the day for about 10hrs or so, running countless dungeons as a dungeon generates levels at a much faster pace we have found than doing quests over and over again. Please allows us to continue to play this game."

World of Warcraft -- Account Closure Notification -- Exploitative Activity Found

HB stops when trying to accept a quest from an Item

I have already noticed several times HB was stopping for no apparent reason. I never cared to take a closer look, so I always just started the bot again.

This time the bot stopped twice in a relatively short amount of time so I took a look at the logs to try and understand what was going on. Apparently the bot is stopping with the message:


Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at some item that starts a quest after 20 seconds

In both situations, when I looked, the quest frame was open and the Accept button was there, active, just waiting to be pressed.

So I took a look at the log times and noticed that the bot could not possibly have waited those 20 seconds, e.g.:


[16:28:09.833 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting

[16:28:09.913 N] [Singular] *Recuperate on Me @ 70.0%

[16:28:10.929 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp

[16:28:11.007 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Ogre Scrolls after 20 seconds

9852 2014-12-31

Attached Files

HB stops when trying to accept a quest from an Item

automatic equip item?

I have been looking in the plugins section for and autoequip plug in, but everything i have found through search and advanced search only brings up old posts related to MoP.

Is there an updated autoequip for WoD? if so could i get a link to the page please and thank you!

P.S. Great work to the Dev team, been using this for a over a year now and have had next to no problems!

automatic equip item?

Have you felt my pain???

Happy HB user, years now on and off. Now that I got that out of the way.

What is the with the hell that is trying to level up a Rogue. OMGWTFWTH AOCMAOERNVaeivnaosdfnvadfpov!!!!!

LOL...and if this hasn't been your experience then disregard and feel free to point and laugh, but omg I hate Rogues. I haven't resorted to it in quite some time, but Im considering just grinding all the way to 100. For me... Rogues + Questing = big steamy pile of horse poo poo.

Have you felt my pain???

Hb problem bug after attached

Hello i got a litle problem when i try to to launch honorbuddy it s doesn't pass the


-attaching to *****

-attached to wow with ID ***


6196 2014-12-31 18.38.txt

thanks if you can help me , even if you cant

And Happy new years :D

Attached Files

Hb problem bug after attached

[Request] WoD Quests (Bonus Objective)


I made a thread about this earlier but I made it in the wrong section so I make one here now.

I wonder is anyone made a profile/plugin yet for the Bonus Objectives in the WoD leveling zones. These objectives give loads of XP and make leveling easier and much faster. It actually surprises me that no one made a profile/plugin for this yet. (As far as I can see atleast).

Anyway, it would be awesome to have a seperate profile/pluging for this. Or if it will be added the Kick's profiles.

Anyone knows more about this?

Thanks in advance.

[Request] WoD Quests (Bonus Objective)

Total HB Noob. Critique my plan pls.

Hello everyone,

So I've recently been kicking around the idea of starting to use HB just to support my main account. I'm not trying to be super greedy, basically all I want to do is farm WoD BoE's and maybe some materials to sell to make money. Nothing fancy, I'm not trying to corner the herb or leather markets or anything. Just some consistent cash flow for my main account nothing outrageous just enough to live comfortable and buy anything I want / need with no worries.

I've done my share of forum stalking and I know nothing is 100% when it comes to safety and its a risk I have to accept etc. I've done research on VPN's and all that but I have a sort of unique scenario and I'd like to get your opinions.

Main Account - I use my desktop rig for my main account ONLY. My main will run on that PC which is on my HOME NETWORK which is a cable broadband service.

Bot Account - Just ONE bot and I will use a laptop which will connect to entirely different ISP / Wifi from a hotel across the street from my house.

From the research I've done I would think this is a pretty safe setup as long as I bot effectively at off peak times and I'm on a pretty low pop server. I plan to mostly run it when I sleep after I watch it enough to make sure it's doing what it should be doing. Let me know what you guys think about this setup and what profiles etc you think would help me accomplish the goals of my bot. My concern is keeping my main account in the clear so I plan on transferring things via the auction house by selling different things to my bot account and make them look like as normal of transactions as possible.

Thanks in advance for any input and Happy New Year! <3

Total HB Noob. Critique my plan pls.

Hearty Soup Bone ?


Is there a profil for complete the quest who need this ?

Hearty Soup Bone - Item - World of Warcraft


Cauz I had many stack ^^


Attached Images

Hearty Soup Bone ?

Multiboxing made easier? (potential customer question)

I used DemonBuddy (Diablo3) for almost a year because it allowed me to essentially multibox 4 characters by only playing one (isboxer + demonbuddy follower support == i only had to play my main).

Previously, I've also used ISXEQ2's Og***** where it essentially plays your other boxxed characters for you while you main your primary toon (generally people play the tank as their main/controller).

When FF14:ARR first came out I manually boxxed a full 4-man team (Tank/Dps/Dps/Healer), but found it extremely cumbersome due to the complexity of keeping up with specific rotations, etc etc. I still managed to do every single 4-man team dungeon in the game by myself, but it was a task i'd like to not repeat due to the stress of it.

Are there plugins/rotations/etc that I can hook up to my two dps and healer so it'll play them as if it were a player in dungeons for me so I can simply concentrate on playing my Paladin? Or has something like this not been implemented yet :o?

Cheers :)

Multiboxing made easier? (potential customer question)

Action: Final Warning, 72 Hour Suspension

1-st email

"Action: Final Warning, 72 Hour Suspension

Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software"

2-end email

after when i cry :)


The status of your Customer Support ticket #000000000 has changed to "Answered."

You can view your ticket details or check its status by clicking the link below:

If you can’t click the link above, copy and paste the entire URL into your browser.

This is the latest response from Customer Support:


I am sorry that it has taken a while for me to answer your ticket today, I hope you are well.

Your World of Warcraft account is currently under a temporary suspension due to a breach of our policies. We have already sent an email with more details but can inform you that the suspension will last for 72 hours. You will be able to play again after this time.

Please note that no further action will be taken if there are no more breaches of the Terms of Use or policies. Check below for more information.

The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game.

An unauthorized third party program is defined as any third party software (including Addons) that facilitates cheating; intercepts, mines or collects information from the game database; or allows modifying or hacking of the game interface, environment or experience in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard Entertainment.

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies (In-Game and Forum Policies - Support), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing World of Warcraft. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at Blizzard Entertainment: Terms of Use. Further information on the different levels of account penalty we can apply is available at

We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.

Have a great day in there

What does the “Answered” status mean?

- A ticket in “Answered” status means that a Customer Support representative has provided an answer to your ticket.

What can I do next?

- You can click “Need More Help” in-game, after you view the in-game response.

- Or, you can choose the “I still have a problem” option on the ticket detail page. Please note that if you choose this option, your in-game ticket will be converted into a web ticket. It will no longer be viewable in game, but will be visible on the Blizzard Customer Support web site instead."

If you have additional questions or concerns, please log in to the Blizzard Customer Support web site at <;; and reply to the ticket.


The Customer Support Team

Blizzard Entertainment

Action: Final Warning, 72 Hour Suspension


Hallo Community.

Ich bin es wieder einmal. Dieses mal habe ich aber glaube nicht so ein schweres Problem :)

Und zwar ist es so:

Ich habe mir vorhin eine Lifesession gekauft mit der E-mail adresse wie immer. nun wollt ich noch bot 1 der noch mit dem key bis zum 04.01.2014 läuft laufen lassen. und bot2 welchen den lifetime hat ebenfalls. doch der eine logt einfach nicht ein und schreibt immer max sessions. daher vermute ich, das ich da jetzt nen fehler gemacht habe und beide keys auf der gleichen e-mail laufen.

gibt es da noch ne möglichkeit, das zu korrigieren? beziehungsweise das ich trotzdem noch beide nutzen kann?

danke schon im voraus.


How create a get mail routine for questing bot???

Hello buddys, I have a questing profile and need add a GET MAIL routine for get all mails in the mailbox, somebody have the correct lines or can help? :)

How create a get mail routine for questing bot???

Paladin GvG Control Deck. 85% Winrate

Hi guys! I have been trying this deck for a few days and its doing pretty good since right now the bot handles way better control decks than aggro decks. im currently about 30-3 in casual. but if you want to try out in ranked I think it will have the same winrate (if you concede after win)

here is the deck. let me know if it is working!

also is pretty cheap. only one legendary. you can replace sylvanas with another quarter master (I only have one)

Gyazo - 01f21ea60897778966a21f4280d20e83.png

Paladin GvG Control Deck. 85% Winrate

Happy new year


Happy new year

Alt tabbing issue is back.

Playing in windowed mode was the last fix and it worked for a while but now the issue is back. When I click out of the window, the game just closes. I use two monitors, don't know if thats the issue, don't think it should be but who knows.

574276 2014-12-31 10.26.txt

573236 2014-12-31 10.32.txt

567692 2014-12-31 10.06.txt

Alt tabbing issue is back.

Bot not using quicksilver flasks?

Am I missing something?

Bot not using quicksilver flasks?

Installation Issues

Whenever i try to install honorbuddy the setup launcher always fails and im not sure how to fix it. Here is the log file could someone help me please.

Attached Files

Installation Issues

help with a profile

basically on kicks 92-94 gorground profile i get this

Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Marrow

the bot cant find this npc because it only appears after you do some chain quests and because of that the bot just keep searching for this mob 24/7

i opened the profile but i cant seem to find marrow set as a vendor or anything, he just has 2 quests that he is offering and thats all.

why the bot still tries to repair at him? any idea how can i remove this?

help with a profile

how to keep groups together with simplefolow

I am using simplefollow but have trouble with char going off in different directions. I have my slower char as my leader, but he gets left behind a lot. Can you let me know if there is something I have missed in setting up simplefollow, or do others have this problem as well.

how to keep groups together with simplefolow

Out: Changing Server Disconnect Issue after Update

There is still a bug after the update that has made it a nightmare for me to manage different servers.

I have no default server or character selected just to verify. So I log in and select a server and get to the character screen fine and then I go back to the server select screen and click on the same or a different server and after I do that I get the Gods have disconnected me error. The first time I go in I can get to the character screen and load my character fine and even switch between characters on that server, but I cant go back to the server select screen or I disconnect. In order to select a different server now, I have to exit the game completely, and then fire up a new AA instance from AB in the account manager. Can anyone else verify that you have this issue as well and let me know? Thanks. I don't think it's just me, but I could be wrong.

Out: Changing Server Disconnect Issue after Update

Cannot find gemleveler anywhere.

Help! I don't wanna leave my guy to bot if his gems don't get leveled, could you help me? Thanks.

Cannot find gemleveler anywhere.

请教关于RB win8.1运行问题

如题,X86VCC运行库已经安装,.net4.5也是,在log in 之后,窗口死活不出来,诸位大大给点意见,谢谢!

请教关于RB win8.1运行问题

데몬 버디 로그인하면 작동중지 팝업드면서 중지됩니다

데몬 버디 로그인하면 작동중지 팝업드면서 중지됩니다

데몬버디 버전은 387버전 사용중이구요

그동안 잘사용 했었고 2정도 안하다가 하려고 보니 로그인만 하면 작동 중지 뜨면서 안되네요 ㅠㅠ


데몬 버디 로그인하면 작동중지 팝업드면서 중지됩니다

what does 3 session - life time mean?

it doesnt make sense

does it mean i can only run it 3 times? or forever?

because if its lifetime, it should mean i can run it forever, as many times as i want.

what does 3 session - life time mean?

Any PTR version avaible?

subj. ty

Any PTR version avaible?

RareKiller update


can someone update and continue the RareKiller project plz, and update to search and kill all WoD rare in all maps too


RareKiller update

mardi 30 décembre 2014

Protected Items (Update)

Protected Items Updated code

Adding the lines of code in will NOT vendor the Items you collect that are for use with the Trading

<!-- ========== Trading Post Parts ========== -->

<!----- Arcane Crystal Module - Requires Arcane Crystal Casing, Arcane Crystal Conduit, Arcane Crystal Amplifier, Arcane Crystal Focusing Lens. These drop in garrison invasions and in raids. ----->

<Item Name="Arcane Crystal Amplifier" Id="118346" />

<Item Name="Arcane Crystal Casting" Id="118344" />

<Item Name="Arcane Crystal Conduit" Id="118345" />

<Item Name="Arcane Crystal Focusing Lens" Id="118347" />

<!----- Auction Control Module - Requires Auction Memory Socket, Auction Connecting Valve, Auction A.D.D.O.N.S Installer. These drop in dungeons. ----->

<Item Name="Auction Memory Socket" Id="118197" />

<Item Name="Auction Connecting Valve" Id="118331" />

<Item Name="Auction Connecting Valve" Id="118331" />

<Item Name="Auction A.D.D.O.N.S Installer" Id="118332" />

<!----- Universal Language Module - Requires Universal Language Compensator, Universal Language Filter, Universal Language Repository. These drop in Ashran. ----->

<Item Name="Universal Language Compensator" Id="118333" />

<Item Name="Universal Language Filter" Id="118334" />

<Item Name="Universal Language Repository" Id="118335" />

<!----- Super Cooling Module - Requires Super Cooling Regulator, Super Cooling Tubing, Super Cooling Coolant, Super Cooling Pump. These drop in Shadowmoon Valley, Talador or Nagrand. ----->

<Item Name="Super Cooling Regulator" Id="118336" />

<Item Name="Super Cooling Tubing" Id="118337" />

<Item Name="Super Cooling Coolant" Id="118338" />

<Item Name="Super Cooling Pump" Id="118339" />

<!----- Cyclical Power Module - Requires Cyclical Power Converter, Cyclical Power Housing, Cyclical Power Framing, Cyclical Power Sequencer. These drop in Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, or Spires of Arak. ----->

<Item Name="Cyclical Power Converter" Id="118340" />

<Item Name="Cyclical Power Housing" Id="118341" />

<Item Name="Cyclical Power Framing" Id="118342" />

<Item Name="Cyclical Power Sequencer" Id="118343" />

Hope this helps everyone. I have vendor'ed so many of these its crazy.

Protected Items (Update)

Major lag and wont do Shadowmoon Valley quests

when i start HB on my 91 priest wow begin to Lag (alot) and my priest dont move anywhere?

20412 2014-12-31 02.23.txt

Attached Files

Major lag and wont do Shadowmoon Valley quests

Stucktime on objects


where i can change the time, till the bot destroys things where he stuck at? I think it takes often to long and wasting time :o

really appriciate a answer thanks!



Stucktime on objects

Cdkey doesn't work

I sent an email address last night to support w/ my email address explaining that the key I was just given does not work.

I was sent an email saying that they key works. Well I tried again today and it still doesn't work. I was banned for 5 minutes after trying to log in using it too many times. Hearthbuddy 484868 2014-12-30 19.52.txt

Attached Files

Cdkey doesn't work

Не атакует: Цель должна быть перед вами!

Начиная с патча 761 Ханты начали глючить, гоняю в 5ппл рандомбади, до этого всё было замечательно, но после обновы 761 ханты не поворачиваются лицом к цели поэтому стоят и кукуют. Пока бегут и по ходу встречают цель атакуют нормально, но как только цель забежит за спину хант стоит и тупит прожимая кнопки и получая сообщение: Цель должна быть перед вами!. Настройки никакие не трогал... просто раньше дамагали, а щас нет. Кто может направить в правильное русло, не пойму в чом дело.

Не атакует: Цель должна быть перед вами!

Crashing on update

After clicking on HearthbuddyBETA I select default then click yes to the update available. Then the BuddyUpdater pops up, and almost instantly I get a not responding, the same thing happens when I try and run BuddyWizard.

I have the latest C++ and I'm running windows 8.1, has anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

Crashing on update

Download Updates. Fail

I cant launch Archebuddy because it keeps on telling me it fails to download

What is the fix for this

Download Updates. Fail

Honorbuddy freezes while logging in

Honorbuddy freezes while trying to log in.

Gets to

Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started.

Logging in...

T: 5247241810159522194 H: 2091015287

Then just hangs there until I exit the program. Any suggestions? Have already uninstalled/reinstalled multiple times today trying to get it to work. Also tried running as administrator, neither of those made any difference.

Attached Files

Honorbuddy freezes while logging in

Archebuddy keeps disconnecting

Archebuddy keeps disconnecting after running it for around an hour or so. I have no anti virus and my windows firewall off + allows archebot!

Archebuddy keeps disconnecting

PLugin not showing up in HB menu

Hey guys,

I am trying to install Petarea plugin to use with pet battle profiels etc.

I have done exactly what was said on this thread:

this is the plugin: team-random - Revision 339: /trunk/PokeBuddy/PetArea

for some reason it just wont show up at all in hb menu

i had a similar issue with pet battle swapper, someone in the thread advised to make some text changes on one of the lines in the plugin.cs

im thinking this may be the same thing but I dont know what to change in that file...

any help would be great thank you.

PLugin not showing up in HB menu

[Request] Auto Accept Ashran queue

I'll give you all my money I promise

[Request] Auto Accept Ashran queue

crash after enable routine/plugin ..

Hi, i have a error woth HB when i activate a plugin/routine/pvp from buddy store.

I desactivate all of my purchase and its work !

HB crash with grey window just when i activate one or many purchase

Pls help me, fresh install, DX9 are ok !

First log with purchase orders :

4800 2014-12-30 23.28.txt

Second log enough purchase orders :

2800 2014-12-30 23.25.txt

Attached Files

crash after enable routine/plugin ..

Grinding profile template

Hi all... does anyone have a grinding profile template that one can use as a reference when building a farm area?


Grinding profile template

BGBuddy NUR als Heiler spielen lassen?


Hätte gerne gewusst ob man den BGBuddy so einstellen kann das er als Heiler im BG auch ganz sicher NUR heilt.

Mit ist aufgefallen das er ständig versucht Schaden zu machen obwohl genug zu heilen da wäre... selbst sich selber lässt er teilweise auf 50% droppen und macht lieber Schaden.

Würde es gerne so einstellen das er niemals Schaden macht und nur heilt.

Ist das irgendwie möglich?


BGBuddy NUR als Heiler spielen lassen?

[WoD] Farming of Mining + Herb profiles


I'm looking for a full profile of WoD regarding the farming of Mining + Herb. I found one in the store for 2 euros but not really useful. I'm more looking for one like we had in MoP that navigate in all locations in the extension (hre it should be WoD) and farming.

Is there someone who found it or working on that?


[WoD] Farming of Mining + Herb profiles

Installer is not working

Hello, when I try to run the installer, I get this error: "0x80070490 - Element not found" and the log file is attached as a .log file. I am not very versed in these log files so I was wondering if you guys can help me out fixing the issue. Thanks so much! I attached the log file as a zip file since it did not let me upload the .log file. Hopefully this works!

Attached Files

Installer is not working

settings not saving with latest stable release

hi, latest ,HB version stable, inside settings, if i select the resurect at spirit healers and save it, it doesnt save it, any way to force to save please ? thanks

settings not saving with latest stable release

help with posting

Hey id like to figure out how to make my profiles look all nice. When i put some profile up it just makes it underlined and i would like to have it all highlighted in light blue and be able to see how many times it was downloaded

help with posting

Herb Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)

Herb Shadowmoon Valley

Hey everyone this profile should be fantastic!! I've ran this for hours after WoD came out.

I'm no longer alliance so I don't have stats. But here's my love to you guys!

Dan's Major Shadowmoon Valley.xml

Attached Files

Herb Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)

Wow crashes with 132 error


Kick BC profile, my bot fly to the quest zone, after that Wow crashes

Tried with directx9 and deleting WTF blabla

Attached Files

Wow crashes with 132 error

honorbuddy doesnt log in

Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started.

Logging in...

T: 5247241694740780644 H: 2095332481

Attaching to D3D9

Attached to WoW with ID 3296

and waits foreverr.

here is the log

Attached Files

honorbuddy doesnt log in

settings not saved - resurect at spirit healers

hi, latest ,HB version stable, inside settings, if i select the resurect at spirit healers and save it, it doesnt save it, any way to force to save please ? thanks

settings not saved - resurect at spirit healers

Anti-virus block

Hello! I've been trying to download and start honorbuddy. When i download the file my anti-virus removes GreyMagic.dll instantly because of high risk for virus. Why is that my anti virus only suspects GreyMagic.dll

Anti-virus block

LF plugin to auto cleanse for healer

looking for a pluglin that will auto cleanse selected spells on arena and maybe if has ground totem has an option aswell will be great!

is there any for free?

LF plugin to auto cleanse for healer

Someone asked: are you botting?

Someone asked me this through a tell, should I be concerned that they'll report me? I didn't respond to them as they logged off a few moments later.

There shouldn't be a problem as long as i'm not AFK botting, right?

Someone asked: are you botting?

Blacksmithing 1-300


I installed the newest version, registered on the site and can not get the free version to work so not sure what good it will do for me if I donate for the 1-600 version since neither seem to work.

Attached Files

Blacksmithing 1-300

Honorbuddy.exe deleted when opening WoW

honorbuddy and WoW closes and honorbuddy.exe gets deleted.

Attached Files

Honorbuddy.exe deleted when opening WoW

Can't use honorbuddy

While I try to open honorbuddy, it just says ''Checking for buddy store products. This may take a while''. Even though I restarted my computer, reinstalled the program. Almost everthing but nothing is working5016 2014-12-29 21.11.txt

Attached Files

Can't use honorbuddy

Feral druid PVP CR


Can you share your opinion about feral druid pvp cr?

Which one is best optimized atm?

Im interested only in pvp - arenas and rbg.

Feral druid PVP CR

If taken XXX-% damage within X-seconds => RUN BIATCH!

I seem to find my bot dying 90% of times in a "big mess of AOE" after taking 2-6 times its health worth of damage, using its potion CD and then eventually dying. Mind you, im geared and specked towards massive hp-income via WD leeching beasts so i can survive "quite long" in these situations, not forever tho. Barba fits a same spot too with less heal but less dmg taken too.

So, what would a real person do in this situation? Run. Get a better, less AOE filled spot and have another go.

Simple idea: If my charter takes say 300% of his HP (or preset amount) worth damage in the last 3 seconds, run back waypoints for ~30-60 feet, away from the mobs and AOE. Remain still for ~3-5 sec while attacking targets in range. I hope your getting my idea...

This could be set much lower for charters with less self-heal to retreat when taking say, 70% of their HP in 1-2sec.

QUESTION IS: can it be done? Can the bot monitor above 100% health amounts lost within sertain time?

If taken XXX-% damage within X-seconds => RUN BIATCH!

Updated Plugin for Mount Vendoring? Travelers Tundra Mammoth

Requesting / Asking if theres an updated version for Mount Vendoring with Travelers tundra which is working? Will use it combined with DungeonFarm, thanks.

Updated Plugin for Mount Vendoring? Travelers Tundra Mammoth

World of Warcraft keeps Crashing While Using Honorbuddy

So i play World of Warcraft on 2 Monitors, 1 for wow on Windowed Fullscreen and i have Honorbuddy on my second screen. I have used it without any problems for a couple months.

Sinds a Couple of Weeks now i keep having the same problem, i login, set up the bot, i click start ,than switch to my Main screen with Wow on it , but than when i decide to move to my other screen and click honorbuddy or anywhere on the screen. World of warcraft crashes and closes down. and first i whas ok i just deal with it , but now its is kinda pissing me off big time. couse i keep crashing over and over sometimes not even logged in for 10 sec and poof there i go again.

Is this a Known Problem ? Do anyone Know a fix for this.

i dont realy post on here so i dont know if this is enough information. but i dont know where els to turn right now.

i have reinstalled world of warcraft and Honorbuddy like 5 times all new now.

Also Reinstalled all my Drivers on pc.

'Also i have tryed playing without honorbuddy and No crashes or anything'

Help ?

World of Warcraft keeps Crashing While Using Honorbuddy

Honorbuddy with windows 8

So I have recently recieved my new computer and windows 8 is new to me. I downloaded the zip file and extracted all into a file on my home page.From their i proceed to log onto my character of choice and log in with my honorbuddy login key. Once the key was enter this is what i recieved when i went to my logs and honorbuddy system stopped working. (Note i tried to download and run the installer as admin and that failed to work as well).

[16:51:17.483 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started.

[16:51:17.645 Q] Honorbuddy was unable to check for an update.

Honorbuddy will not be able to update automatically.

[16:51:17.689 D] System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)

at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Bool ean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)

at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)

at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)

at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.CheckForUpdate()

[16:57:11.663 N] Logging in...

Honorbuddy with windows 8

Honorbuddy Closes after trying to Log-In


since today i got an issue with HB. After i open the executable, it asks me for my serial. i entered it, and pressed ok, the HB window opens, and after a try to login, whole HB is closing with no failure.

two logs are attached. both with similar data content.

Attached Files

Honorbuddy Closes after trying to Log-In

Garrison bot help

I want to improve my garrison and I'm looking for a good AIO garrison bot, could anyone recommend one they have used and has worked well, I know I could look for one but I want to know what all your preferred garrison bots are, please link me to it, thanks everyone :D

Garrison bot help

Honorbuddy closes after authentication.

So, my last thread got deleted because i thought honorbuddy was free and i got a fake copy of the bot, but now i've bought myself a legit copy of the bot.

The problem is the same as last thread, after i give in my key the bot just closes.

Here is my log for further investigation (Surprisingly, nothing has changed in the log since last time)

Attached Files

Honorbuddy closes after authentication.

bot cannot pick up items after opening Horadric Cache's

Here is the logs

4076 2014-12-30 10.41.txt

46212 2014-12-30 10.30.txt


[QuestTools][MoveToObjectiveTag] MoveToObjective Error: marker=False actor=False/False completedInteracts=0 isPortal=False dist=0 interactRange=20

Attached Files

bot cannot pick up items after opening Horadric Cache's

Honorbuddy stuck at "Checking for Buddy Store products.."

Clean install of .763.

I've disabled all of my Buddy Store products to no avail.

Attached Files

Honorbuddy stuck at "Checking for Buddy Store products.."

"Checking for Buddy Store products..." First Time User! :/

Hey there!

I just bought my Honorbuddy Key today & luckily enough i already encounter problems with getting started.

Maybe im just the bug but honestly - it doesnt feel like im doing something wrong.

--> Opened HB & WoW with the HB Launcher --> Loaded my toon i wanted the bot to quest with.

--> Honobuddy initializes --> "Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while"

After going shopping with my gf i came back home 3 hours later and the same error message was still on the screen of HB.

I already checked for the solution you gave other users on the forum like disabling the streaming of products - but even when i didnt had one product loaded in my account it didnt execute this step.

So - i'm assuming i should just post my log and let you guys try to help me :)3512 2014-12-30 16.30.txt



Attached Files

"Checking for Buddy Store products..." First Time User! :/

Bot (Singular) Performs horrible in Battleground BG

As stated, Bot (Singular) performs horrible in random Battlegrounds.

Using: Mistweaver Monk

Total clean/new install of Honorbuddy.

At certain spots it just stands there while your teamplayers are fighting in front of you, and the bot is not healing them all the time.

Bot doesn't heal himself, even he gets attacked.

Bot sometimes doesn't get closer to get in range of combat to heal team players.

Attached Files

Bot (Singular) Performs horrible in Battleground BG

WHY can not use DEMONBUDDY ?


Has been reinstall the game & net framework 4.5 & DB

Attached Images

WHY can not use DEMONBUDDY ?

trying to reinstall - gives error at VS 2013 stuff

here's the log


Attached Files

trying to reinstall - gives error at VS 2013 stuff

Add a option in AutoStop

Hi, can you add an option in AutoStop tool, for stopped when is rank 15 ranked for exemple ? ty if you can! :p

Add a option in AutoStop

hb hanging at checking store

hb hanging at checking store, been doing this for the last hour , done fresh installs and used buddywizard but still hanging

is this a hb server side issue?

hb hanging at checking store

BGBuddy not working..


It seems after the server reset my bgbuddy stopped working. It wont move. I tried switching to enyo and then switch backing to see if it would kick in but nothing. I think this is the log for it.


26104 2014-12-30 08.46.txt

Attached Files

BGBuddy not working..


Требует вести ключ, а я его не помню.


Scarecrow id

Sry the dumb question..

i saw it once but cant find it again,

how can i find a scarecrow id?

since its so important it should be at guides topic right?

sry my bad english

Scarecrow id

good class for botting


I have some paladins and DK's for botting (grinding)

But i was wondering if there are some other good classes? :D

i know hunter is pretty good ?

good class for botting

Request: Profile to complete all quests for Achievment," Stay Awhile and Listen"

Request: Profile to complete all quests for Achievement," Stay Awhile and Listen" to unlock Garrison Level 3 Inn.

Any advice on if there is anything out there for even partial fulfillment is appreciated.

Request: Profile to complete all quests for Achievment," Stay Awhile and Listen"

HB shuts down after I press log in

tried cleaning the settings folder run wow and Hb as admin

Attached Files

HB shuts down after I press log in

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Grindbot profile

Looking for a profile that will grind the Tamed Clefthoof near Mar'gok's Overwatch in nagrand.

Coords 78, 72

Grindbot profile

Load from Buddystore

Hey there!

Can anyone help me please?

Everytime i try to load a profile there is nothing, just like:

i have enabled my profiles and activated only one routine!


best regards

Load from Buddystore

Get dust/gold

So is the bot decent for collecting dust/gold? I see it can do arena and do the rank/concede thing, but does it get you enough gold or dust? I'd use the bot for farming mats/gold to buy new cards is all really as i enjoy playing myself, just hate buying decks of cards for 40 bucks a pop when i could get a bot to do the same thing?

In a nutshell, how much gold/dust can you make, is it enough to get the top cards or is it slow?

Get dust/gold

A bot that can run all the dungeons?

Just as the post says when are we going to get a fully functional bot that does all the lfr's and dungeons its been long enough and yet we still dont have a full working bot.

A bot that can run all the dungeons?

Custom Mulligan option and more~

Greetings everyone!

Before I start off, thanks for making the bot work (even if it's not optimal)!

Now, the title may explain the first subject, however, I don't have programming experience, is it something I can do?

Not that I'm completely lazy, but sometimes I let my computer sit and play games (not very wise), so I can't manually mulligan for it.

Second subject is, playstyle. The old bot would almost trade in every scenario, unless the creature would not be killed or it had lethal.

I haven't tested the new bot, but it would be very nice with an option.

Anyway! Thanks for reading, I would love to do some testing of different things, as I have 2 computers and 2 accounts.

- Is this something you're interested in? I could update this thread with problems and what not.

Take care~!

Custom Mulligan option and more~

Loading but no bot movement...

I installed and loaded Kicks' profile once I click start everything loads then nothing happens...



Attached Files

Loading but no bot movement...

ArcheBuddy resets my game settings

Every time I start the game using ArcheBuddy, all the interface and skillbar settings reset to default and when I want to play manually by launching from Glyph, I have to set up the entire interface from scratch. How can I make the bot stop doing that?

ArcheBuddy resets my game settings

Stuck at 'checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while.

I have tried to reboot, and re-install Honorbuddy. I did also try to create a Buddyauth account to try to make the program not to look for any kind of products or so, but when I try to register at Buddyauth, it tells me that the E-mail already is in use. But when I then try to recover the password, it tells me that the E-mail aint in use?

Stuck at 'checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while.

Plugins selber erstellen


ist jemand eine Anleitung bekannt mithilfe dieser man Plugins erstellen kann?



Plugins selber erstellen

2 Questions

Hi all, i have 2 questions, cause i'm not english i don't understand all the word, anyone can tell me what is :

- Concedes.


- Keep constructed rank/mmr ?

Thank so much

2 Questions

kennt sich wer mit dem demonbuddy aus und weis wo ich hier die profile her bekomm

hallo und zwar habe ich das problem ich weis nicht wo ich für den demonbuddy gute und überhaupt profile her bekomme hier und geschweige wie ich sie mir hier runter laden kann es wer echt super wenn mir da einer weiter helfen kann bin noch neu da bei mit dem demonbuddy

kennt sich wer mit dem demonbuddy aus und weis wo ich hier die profile her bekomm

Cava problem

How to Please install SVN Update to my works Cava. thank you:confused:

Cava problem

Pvp Buddy store

Hi leute eine Frage wo kann ich mich beim buddystore regestrieren?

Will Krieger combat runterladen.

danke für eure hilfe

Pvp Buddy store

Plugin Editor Bug

I didn't see this reported anywhere.

I use Visual Studio for my plugin development but will use the built in plugins editor for quick changes or setting debug log messages.

The Bug - You can't copy/cut from the built in editor and paste to another application; notepad, Visual Studio, anything. Undo/Redo work as expected. Pasting into the editor works fine.

Plugin Editor Bug

If Blizzard introduces a game time token will it be the death of botting?

They mentioned allowing a game time token that can be sold on the auction house. If they do this won't people stop using the black market for gold?

If Blizzard introduces a game time token will it be the death of botting?

[REQUEST] Old Raid Farming/Glory of the________

I see how this could be problematic on bag space, but I saw a few profiles that will farm a few different instances, but was wondering if anyone could/would or has thrown one together that clears MC(Bindings/Eye of Sulfuras), Onyxia(Mount), TK(Mount), BT(Glaives), Sunwell(Bow), Ulduar(Mount), ICC(Mount), Firelands(Mount), and any other fancy little items I may be forgetting.

Also, would it be possible to make one that does the Glory of the whatever Achievements, farming the old heroics/raids for achievements that are soloable?

[REQUEST] Old Raid Farming/Glory of the________

Arena question?

Please let me know if I need to move the question but i wanted to ask about Arena and is there a botbase or plugin for it, to use? I am currently using Lazy Raider but I didnt know if there was one that I could set and walk away to Auto que like BGBUDDY? Thanks for the help.

Arena question?

DPS einbuße bei TuanHa CR für DK

Hallo zusammen,

Benutzt von euch jemand die CR von TuanHa für Todesritter?

Vielleicht kann mir jemand bei meinem Problem helfen..

Und zwar spiele ich einen Todesritter mit dem ilvl 651 (Unholy) und fahre mit der CR von TuanHa nur 17k DPS..

Auf Anfragen bei TuanHa kam bisher keine Antwort

DPS einbuße bei TuanHa CR für DK

Bot Runtime

Hi I was just wondering if there was a way to check how long the bot has been running, or do I have to manually time it myself. I just want to know so that I can calculate my wins per hour.

Bot Runtime

Safest Profiles to level 90-100 Horde?

Which is the safest profile to level atm 90-100 for a horde character?

Thank you for any information.

Safest Profiles to level 90-100 Horde?

Safest and best gold farming method?

Hi i would like to know what's the best and safest gold farming method in current expansion.

Safest and best gold farming method?

[HubScene] Unable to click the "Quest Log" button.

The bot wont run. Attaching log file below. Gives me that error every time.

[HubScene] Unable to click the "Quest Log" button.

Not logging in

As other thread, but since I cant reply, I figured I'd post this.

Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started.

Logging in...

T: ...... H: ..........

Followed by nothing..

Not logging in

Bot won't attack with melee

I just swapped my bot from range to melee but for some reason the bot won't attack with his melee attack or abilities. It just runs around the minions and eventually dies.

How do I fix this?

Thank you

Bot won't attack with melee

Problem with UpdateTaxInfo()

The command UpdateTaxInfo() doesn't working properly with unbuilt cottages.

Problem with UpdateTaxInfo()

Bot Issue / don't work with one character (lvl92) / 1-100 questing pack by buddytea

Hi guys,

I will try to be more specific as possible.

I tried the 1-100 Questing Profile Pack on many horde characters to do the 90-92 kick, evertything was ok, no problem.

My problem was with my drood, here is the story of this character :

first it was horde, i use the bot to do all first quest to get back all skills (this character was a sezame 1-90 free cause i bought wow WoD) and create the garnison.

after that i paid to go in alliance, elf night female. so i find back my drood in elf in the ally's garnisson.

So i choose the kick Ally 90-92 SW and the problems began, my drood just go in the north, cross the sea and run to tanaan jungle, bliking by invisible wall.

I decided to do 90-92 by myself in order to launch properly the kick 92-94 gorgrond

So i level up 92, and achieve all quest in SW and thanks to the last quest of SW i poped up to the first quest of gorgrond that i din't take.

I launched the the kick 92 94 Gorgrond Ally and the bot run to "rangari D'kaan" ignoring the forst quest of gorgrond available that i din't take, and wait in front of Rangari and do absolutely nothing.

Here is the story,

Thanks for your help.


Attached Files

Bot Issue / don't work with one character (lvl92) / 1-100 questing pack by buddytea

Problem with max. sessions

Hi HB Support

since 14:00 today I get the "max. sessions" error with both of my Auth-keys.

Before 14:00 everything was fine.37936 2014-12-29 14.52.txt

I tried:

- Killing session in Buddy-Auth

- restart WOW and HB

- fresh HB Installation

- Restart PC

Hope u can help me.

Attached Files

Problem with max. sessions

Honorbuddy closing

Hello guys

Since I downloaded the honorbuddy he is closing himself after working for a few minutes, i already checked the forum for guides, didn't find anything, i checked my LOG and every single one are sayng that "ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1869(debug)"

So can u guys help me ? Here is my LOG's360 2014-12-29 12.53.txt976 2014-12-29 12.48.txt2128 2014-12-29 16.06.txt2620 2014-12-29 15.59.txt

Honorbuddy closing