lundi 30 mars 2015

TL doesn´t start queing

Logging in...

H: 3680901823

Login Success!

Welcome to TankLeader 2. Please wait until initialisation finishes.

Windows NT 6.2.9200.0

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Checking for updates...

Update check concluded!

TankLeader version 2.1.384.217 initialising.

[ProfileManager] Reloading profiles from disk.

Finished loading profiles; found 43 profiles in total.

ScyllaWot initialisation has completed.

PauseKeys plugin enabled.

Initialisation completed. Have fun!

[Targeting] Provider changed to Default Targeting

Starting the bot!

Loading custom profiles...

[ProfileManager] Reloading profiles from disk.

Finished loading profiles; found 43 profiles in total.

Profiles loaded. 43 custom profiles found.

[Aim only] Starting the bot in only mode; you'll need to manually queue up and drive, and the bot does the shooting.

[Aimbot] Enabled, driving is done by the player, TankLeader handles combat.

Stuck Provider changed to Default Obstacle Targeting.

Poi set to None. Reason: Starting up.

Attempting to connect to the server.

So ich pick tanks in the garage tab an click on start but nothings happen

2015-03-30 23.31.txt

Attached Files

TL doesn´t start queing

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