mercredi 29 avril 2015




Honorbuddy disappears when I press login.

I start honorbuddy and my key appears, I press login and honorbuddy disappears and there is no prosess running.


[12:20:57.036 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13765.784 started.
[12:20:58.597 N] Logging in...
[12:20:58.761 N] T: 5247345087013483058 H: 2565633028
[12:20:59.527 N] Attaching to D3D9
[12:20:59.764 N] Error attaching Honorbuddy to WoW! - System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Char[] data, Int32 length, Int32 invCharPos)
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
  at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
  at System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent()
  at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
  at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(String uri, LoadOptions options)
  at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(String uri)
  at Styx.Helpers.Settings.Load()
  at Styx.Helpers.Settings..ctor(String settingsPath, String oldSettingsPath)
  at Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings..ctor()
  at Styx.StyxWoW.()
  at Styx.StyxWoW.(Process , GraphicsApi )
  at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.<FindAndAttachToWoW>d__58.MoveNext()

Honorbuddy disappears when I press login.

Profile? For Dungeon queue and battle?


is there a way to permanently to re queue for a Dungeon (Turn 4), fight in there and do it all over again? The idea is to Spiritbond i90 crafted gear sets.

Profile? For Dungeon queue and battle?

Authentication failed.

Wenn ich über den Lancher starte läuft zwar WoW los und ich kann normal spielen aber beim Botstart bekomme ich diese Meldung
Authentication failed.
Unable to connect to Buddy servers.

bekomme ich auch wenn ich als Administrator starte.

jemand ein Tip? habe auch schon die neuste Version neu runter geladen.

Authentication failed.

HB no carga con un personaje

Cuando intento cargar el HB con un personaje no carga, y solo me pasa con este pj. Ya he realizado a mano las misiones pendientes y nada. Está a nivel 93 y son las misiones de Draenor. Os pongo captura:

HB no carga con un personaje

I Recently Got Banned On 5 Accounts.

Whilst creating a 5 man dungeoning team, at the last hurdle at level 89 they all got banned whilst I was away from the computer, I left and they were doing fine then thirty minutes later when I came back, they were banned.

What I'm curious is, will my IP now be flagged to Blizzard? My main account is still active and running and I'm wary of botting on him now.

Should I use a proxy each time I play now?

Any tips regarding keeping a 5 man team safe would be great!

I Recently Got Banned On 5 Accounts.

5 Accounts Banned - After 3 days.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
3)If so, when was the last time?:
This morning
4)What profile were you using?:
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
1 healer- Priest. 1 tank- Warrior. 3 beast master hunters.
6)What plugins are you using?:
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
60 percent- They were banned when I was away from the computer though.
9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
12)EU or US realm?
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
5 battle chest accounts all bought via codes.

Was leveling these accounts via raf so that I would be able to farm MoP heorics. Not anymore it seems :P

5 Accounts Banned - After 3 days.

Profile and Skill/Gear management

Is there some pluggins/relogger that might help me ?

I would like to be able to load my skill and gear setup to swap faster between 2 specs
And it would be great to be able to associate those gear/skill setup with some profile.

So I can launch a T6speed farming profile that launch R-Rift in normal rift mode Only and load a preset with skills and gear.
Another that load Act 1 farming and load gear and skills.

Profile and Skill/Gear management

72 Hour Suspension Leveling Alts

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:
29/4/2014 - 7:00am

4)What profile were you using?:
Questing - Kicks Profiles

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Default Fury Warrior

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
Recently about 40%

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid account

72 Hour Suspension Leveling Alts

Jesters Coinpurses in 1.7

Shards and crystals to dusts and motes, has anyone gotten anything good out of bags?

Jesters Coinpurses in 1.7

demonbuddy keep closing

hello my demon buddy keep closing everytime i turn all acts profile i reinstall it many times and the problem still exit

if anybody can help me with this ... i think some dll files missing or somthing from my antivirus

best regards

demonbuddy keep closing

HB not starting up

since the last patch my hb refuses to start, I tried reinstalling it 2 times but no change. and I can't get a log for it since it never goes past the login/hook sucessfully. any sugestions? it also crashes wow sometimes when I start it. used both launcher and seperate exe files.

apreciate any help.

HB not starting up

HonorBuddy won't log in.


I'm having some issues, with HonorBuddy not willing to log in.

Please see attached, and thank you very much in advance.
Attached Files

HonorBuddy won't log in.



比如我剧情到第三章了,我上游戏开DB,然后开始挂剧情……等到东西满了,回来找卖东西之类的 就发现:




Authentication failed

So, when i launch honorbuddy, wether its a new or old install, i get "Authentication failed. Unable to connect to Buddy servers." I tried reinstalling HB, flushing my dns, checked my friewall and antivirus, reset my hosts file. So my log is attached. 10832 2015-04-28 18.41.txt

Its the log from the new honorbuddy install, which means i havent even had the chance to put my key in (just to ensure nothing is wrong with my key).
Attached Files

Authentication failed

Fastest way to level / options for extra jobs and classes

Hi All,

I'm just on the trial right now and levelling with the levelling profiles, which seems to be going faster then fatehunting etc.

What would be better:

Level first to 50 with the levelling profiles (0-50) and then fatehunt other classes/jobs?
Or just start a new character for other classes?

I dont know the benefits of having it all on one character.


Fastest way to level / options for extra jobs and classes

The client version is not supported

It says to check forums for more information :)

The client version is not supported

mardi 28 avril 2015

AuctionItem.time always return 0

AuctionItem.time (time, how much left to end of bidding at this lot) always return 0 after patch.

AuctionItem.time always return 0

gearing barb

Hi all,

What profile do u suggest for gearing up a fresh 70 with bad gear?
Love the bot, leveled my barbarian yesterday but gear is still bad, not even sure if T1 is doable atm.

Curious if there are any profiles or lootrules which could be used just after level 70 and bad gear.

gearing barb


不捡蓝色的奥术之尘啊 应该怎么设置


Updated today & HB hangs on Logging in...

Updated today,
Checked Firewall & AntiVirus. Tried separate computer (that one cant even Auth HB).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Updated today & HB hangs on Logging in...

How do I set rule for skill damage?

The [SKILLDMG%] attribute does not work for things like +Cluster Arrow damage or +Whirlwind damage. What do I use if I want to keep gears with +15% skill damage?

How do I set rule for skill damage?

demonbuddy keep closing

hello my demon buddy keep closing everytime i turn all acts profile i reinstall it many times and the problem still exit

if anybody can help me with this ... i think some dll files missing or somthing from my antivirus

best regards

demonbuddy keep closing


ERROR GameEvents System.Exception: 仅完成部分的 ReadProcessMemory 或 WriteProcessMemory 请求。, at addr: 00000040, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(Int Ptr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.FastAttribGroupsEntry.[](Int32 , ACD )
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](ActorAttributeType attributeType)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACDItem.get_IsUnidentif ied()
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACDItem.get_Name()
at Zeta.Bot.ItemStatistics.(Object , ItemLootedEventArgs )
at Zeta.Bot.GameEvents.[](EventHandler`1 , Object , )


ERROR BotMain Exception during bot tick.
Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: 仅完成部分的 ReadProcessMemory 或 WriteProcessMemory 请求。, at addr: 00000040, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(Int Ptr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.FastAttribGroupsEntry.[](Int32 , ACD )
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](ActorAttributeType attributeType)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACDItem.get_IsUnidentif ied()
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.BrainBehavior.<HandleIdentifyAllIte ms>b__1b8(ACDItem i)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.BrainBehavior.<HandleIdentifyAllIte ms>d__1be.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowF orNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.Handle NonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Zeta.Bot.ActionRunCoroutine....()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.CheckPostConditions(Boo lean shouldBeCanceled)
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume(Boolean forStop)
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at Zeta.Bot.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.Bot.Coroutines.CoroutineCompositeExtensions. .()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowF orNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.Handle NonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetR esult()
at Trinity.DbProvider.TownRun.<TownRunCoroutineWrappe r>d__4.MoveNext() in d:\正版兄弟\[正版国服]DemonbuddyCN 1.1.2281.1\Plugins\Trinity\DbProvider\TownRun.cs:l ine 255
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowF orNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.Handle NonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Zeta.Bot.ActionRunCoroutine....()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.CheckPostConditions(Boo lean shouldBeCanceled)
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume(Boolean forStop)
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at Zeta.Bot.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Zeta.Bot.BotMain.()

这段话是小秘境刷完回城后,一直循环的,大概几秒一次!而且小秘境刷完并不交任务,这段话循环几分钟后就会 小退重上!
Attached Files


5/5 DungeonBuddy only US - MoP Randoms on Battlechest licenses

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Mostly Honorbuddy. Gatherbuddy for short (1-2 hour) periods and random points during the week to add some variety.

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:
Roughly 7:30 PM PST

4)What profile were you using?:
Default Dungeonbuddy profiles, 5/5 grouped MoP randoms.

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Again, the defaults. Warrior, paladin, monk.

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
Something like 6 hours a day 4 days a week.

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
A handful only incidentally when bags were full. < 100.

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?
US, low-to-mid population realm.

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Normal, paid.

No surprises here, just posting for the purposes of people collecting statistics or other information. All bans came through at exactly the same time (within seconds,) probably the result of an automated action. They shared a common guild with a link to a real Teamspeak and play scheduling info. Shared an IP but operated from individual VMWare virtual machines. All account licenses paid for via a common payment method (credit card.) 2/5 had play time purchased with gold. To a GM I think these would plausibly appear to be people but a shared IP is a bit sketchy. Of course I recognize chaining MoP dungeons and vendoring gear is not safe but I wanted to see how far I could take it. Bots operated for ~2.5 weeks on this schedule. Collected < 100,000 gold during this period. Some (~1-2 hours a week) manual play including idle, friendly banter in guild and trade chat.

Some potential in appealing but no intent to. Might pick it back up in a few months with fresh accounts if I get bored. Any post-mortem commentary/analysis on my configuration is welcome and probably useful to others considering a similar setup.

5/5 DungeonBuddy only US - MoP Randoms on Battlechest licenses

Strict S3 Monk Loot Rules

I edited Job's S3 Loot Rules to my liking for my monk.
I am keeping everything need for these 2 builds:

- Quin69 - GR55+ Dashing Strike Monk - Monk - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fans
- Quin69 - T6 God Monk - Monk - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fans

Credit to Job's Blank Loot Rules, I just edited in all Trash and kept what I wanted.

Attached Files

Strict S3 Monk Loot Rules

Trinity fork and R-YAR work not well together.

It seems that I can't enable Trinity fork properly through R-YAR

I've run some experiments, and every time I try to Start DB through YAR, Trinity fork won't be enabled properly, I've checked "force enable all plugins" and in plugin tab, it indeed was checked. But the log says otherwise.

and if I start DB without YAR, trinity fork works perfectly.

here's some logs
Through YAR.txt
without YAR.txt
Attached Files

Trinity fork and R-YAR work not well together.

Upgrade COmputer Desktop

Looking to see if someone one can give me some idea's on upgrading my desktop. my current specs. Dell XpS 8500

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Manufacturer Intel
Speed 3.1 GHz
Memory 12 GB
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Chipset GeForce GT 640
Dedicated Memory 1.0 GB

Upgrade COmputer Desktop

Buff Problem - No Efficient Usage of Skills

Hello TheBuddyForum,

I dont know if iam the only one with the problem or not but here is my problem :

The Skillbar allows you to show 8 Skill Slots at the same time ( Left Mouse, Middle Mouse, Right Mouse , Q,W,E,R,T )

I Use T for Movement and waste 6 Skill Slots for Buffs. and 1 OFC for My Attack. Now my Problem is, why the Bot cant Buff and Switch the Slot and Buff and Switch until all buffs are active and then the bot can use the Other Skill Slots for Debuffs or Vaal Buffs etc.

I made picture for you to show you what my problem is, Why i cant Say my Bot : Hey use everytime for Farming The Buffs X Y Z. So i can use the other Skill Slots for Vaal Buffs or my 3 Debuffs.

Is there A plugin or stuff to manage it ? i tried already some stuff out but nothing works.


Buff Problem - No Efficient Usage of Skills

Grift Priority

Hey how can i change settings that my bot only make grift from 25-30 lvl?

sry for my english and thx

Grift Priority

HB question

Do you have to completely close out wow and HB when switching between characters? That's what i've been doing but i'm wondering if that's correct. Thanks.

HB question

Out Help Please! AB Defaulting to Highest Settings

outttt please help with this :)

everyone is having this issue of AB defaulting the the "Very High" settings if starting more than one account on AB

changing each one to lowest settings and exiting in different ways doesn't work
opening AA via glyph and changing it to lowest settings doesn't work either

help help :) TY!

Out Help Please! AB Defaulting to Highest Settings


hi Nice to meet you.


HB Fails to autoload questing? Moving to location failed??

Attachment 177353

Wont quest. Keeps failing?

HB Fails to autoload questing? Moving to location failed??

Only Keep ancient legendaries.

Import(paste) this into your item list:

IvYAAB+LCAAAAAAABADtnd1u3McNxV/F0H28w/meYK1cFgGcFqiKIreG/K8jQJYN7zpO377kxOgj/A4QbG5WdrQ+mC/OIXnIOf/0x8fnV78fXy5Pn17e3NnrdPfqeHn89P7p5cObu6/X//xg/e6n+/PP1+Pj26fL9eG4Xv1/XV75114uPz69ufvtev384+n07du319/K609fPpxySnb69Ze3D4+/HR/f/fD0crm+e3k87u7Pf/vy6etn//q9/zN/f/fxOJ/+/zfnh+P5eLwe7wPpcn9+G5+O+/7eVukjnU/+4/kfny/3dj7Fx/mfX5+P+MX43L848p+/9K//fj7807/y/afzv989fz3ii3/+cD59/9Lp+79x+o52A72B3kBvoDfQG+gN9AZ6A72B3kBvoDfQG+gN9Ab 6FwTNw0bJPGhPRoOumVYXrOlsMGjJeSUadE9vpUdacqk0aIy04 UdmTcsC47BMMb1LsHutS3avYiPVgZvBkVOhR5paT5KR4kcm59r wW8avmYRbJF9Toy/xvZGmYk0VIzXFOeVvGbOeJdMrOaf0LVPaHDjZrmnOTlukGOmkj cMeKQ1ayky4q1h6Sfj07pHioD1Q8ZH2NWnbW1PlGX6Q7bYUoDQ FzXG34aCpWsHv07WqwIFyUJwjxZri05utTHx6Y6Q82TYBR6prN TwKak4ccNBcF+9A+Tkd9EhLbm3Qt8weKX9OU8fjve4UG76mAdr xNY2R8reMgyruUzz0ukH5DNSqTXBkSuKZg28kPDaYrQnMoE8vn q0IUD6yPRtvkVIqhm+kNa3xdGVa56fXnLHgTnFLmb5Pq9WVJVF Q3q1ITbCmM+Ge+A7T0VdbRMzwyLZvpIkLZvaRwR2oCEjixiFVX 1TFORXsXhu0cfCNNPC8jFMka3gyKHJtPNkuflIV04s7UGmuwmc r5sRjDrZ6yryrmHrhVa8jFTxbESIo/pymhp9T99oSL66IrBe+ppZyxz1xS1MQw7dWBGxwND497a4inog PYoaDhquIk+2+Eq6m2yOVuP882XanmKeg7srwSmb3xHlQdxV55 VUduOp17176Pt2uokILih+ZrdnmjYMi1+bTW2iOtKcXJ2axkST TyxOz5jOsAOXNYEuCmIOvKW0Gd8xBIZ/GDf6WT/OyTKcrijXFJQebbAuUzIpSUF9TfiM52ebTXu4U42wwnGKJOh3P VoQ6XZKX4TdSLp1PT/eMKzp2awU+hl86HpDcoLTt3aB4SCeXXHH330F5Chq1/zjDj+lV5GVwaZCk70pMr0CA6tMr6OdguB4pr1XwModtBvGsooU YVHFkJFcbbfA1TZlyNTwZFA0HJp+0zZ0vkHSLhB+ZYPh4pe02D jTD30dG0WhrKHgvnyKJ3YuDxkaS7F7FLYN74rtNnKQ3naLMgW/gExQUTwYFqILh4x1m9kZS2F6crgQoHu+tJU/e4MfuxVMkJWU8q7iPjCBxYHxf0NISznsjf8rb3gBVyEjw6EopS xBdielVNDnEI9tbcsC7/z5ShfIK30g+vVmQrfBzKpleXsI3E65H2pIDibgCT9pGTlyicxB oQZegY1tfOMPf2X9FiRnfmy7OKS+u8HPKy0hykTT3xke6rzae4 a+k6Kwo6LMdI1V0FOcjZk5B+Qq+0GxLhOK41NZ5L95ZMXwZvk4 8phenK9EuA0/wxX2KgwYF5XWDM1XardjqdL4RtPNeieqVF/8775X4pxIKKpHaKo4MLoLaI5WYQXqkTswm/ljGBuUVkmPiEbM9Ul7u5SOlN1K8eMUTs3jFTJBrS3wHVF9Tvil TjFTxBh+uTt9HhhfMuHFQqHTwQMeeXkGKZApkJA4qiK5MQX+ka njR69b3KuJICkVHwp9O2xV8AoVk4/uYOahArDgmXt67QfmWYj69kpHiubZSCv/aYDwvKwFVuBV8j46SBTVQPlKFkjnxl7jlzj+kG6D47nUzyDOHs L14TXEpFW84sNdU4bXhVSQbVDG9eHF6gOIRs31kcH1vgAosUhf 0enWGL6GgklJQhcHH32vb2hUFqKDvyuiCfg6DVzJvUEHwquOdi qNehn+DL0DxWyZAJUdGwJEEnf9nNbwRdB6Zf9o7QPkaqBgpb5F yERReNf4VsyhOF7xxkMcUCNt4yUG8lcnnZQKUjw06qKA/UsXzpxtU8UY8nlWsqVX+icPUGn5kbFW+MmiD4hTU71MBG8xV0P Mqrhn8aku81DZb59/KNOuFz58GKM97reHdp22uhTdl2tOLBzqmVb7vStMk+IwPMgcoP dJuTaHKNNw2hNOmkDlU/GaLO1zQHqkJ5EjZeEGHTy8fws+2iuAN87Tw0oq2+OdP1sqCWHq agpenrPFNQYfxN7hb3iEQ9ya+K4hbhsq3a/PJxdPENZXBd+B30M5vpFYEXaCjckWwkfD8iK2eedabIraCr2kp gjdBWseldEFAJYk2TVmQ4LXrznsys2Zcb+AElBefuhXEw64Byr tsAcq7bGUK2tK3mgT5cBOwlZJ42jsn39E2QPGHp/ZIed2KCQTF4Sni59Snt+E3W8qCt9piI9FXW4AKDL7zFUFber7g Ncig4XQlzcFLMgMU160MW3iw12qbuHvqPnHFFa9WUuMbHI62BJ 6i80F8pL6R8EYve3oloIrpFbwPPxdfvZfmxIUVEXkVPPo3JTkv nAzmkQQ3m1Ntnq24V8EbpFn55/d2hYOirELwMFLiu/6F/gnXnm5HXJGy5dN7TgYVmTbDR+o+ReK5toNKYsx8q8GIpvNrmku VrKmiEikJGmUmge7fKp6ydUe8CzLiNeMttiN7WvHQ4GgNL2nbo Pj0hmhQYPAn77TF9PK2V9DRJqaXF6YHKE+2c1I8sF34LrpuBgW iTAflc7YmKN6LjcRnvWwJuhSliod0IkrHJxVXb4LaSONB45ziv WWjxIGXOaxW+SJb/0+Qs60Zb3CwpgneeK1TcIdnQf+9bAOPR25eJggNTkEdXa6C0GB ufLcrn97FuzK94g3icm68GimbIh5pgmIZJ4O87Y3mJ4IGcQ6K6 +EDVNGkCO/VtkEVXXQEjTKa4SWZOw/PF1a0gr++57S38gZ/WMfrQLfiQDFSvKfiBuXJ9hp4X69tHPgwUi74a7bBe3GRjrPe1m jeGw0O8PxeGb3yT9JbyXhwZYPiFsmZA/+GToAqOBKued2gvHHoTaD26nXxwSvjBR0RMYMUfKeH4/l4vB7v44/x9/H59ulyfTiu16eXD5f7/wHBoKVxIvYAAA==

Happy Hunting :)

Only Keep ancient legendaries.

Questions and help regarding crystal/shard prioritization

So i havent played this game in over a year and decided to get back into it. And what better way then the bot scene... since i seem to get more enjoyment out of this than actually playing a video game these days.

I have always used the buddybots, unfortunately in 2013 they didnt have a ffxiv bot so i used mmominion. I'm already loving the functionality of rebornbuddy though. I'm trying to get my farming on however, im having some trouble finding a way to prioritize crystals over shards if theyre available.

Could somebody let me know if theres a plugin that is compatible with most of these farming profiles, but prioritizes crystals if theyre available, otherwise loots the shards?

I'm also leveling my mining right now and this profile seems to be looting the copper ore, possibly due to it being more exp. But i would rather it loot the shards during the leveling process. Anyone have a solution to this? Sorry if its right in front of my face. I've come up short upon searching.

Questions and help regarding crystal/shard prioritization

fastest exp profile

What is the fastest exp profile? Is it GRift?

fastest exp profile

Archebuddy High settings default?

How do I stop archebuddy from loading the game in highest settings? Even when I turn the high settings off ingame, its still on high settings until I restart archeage but even then, archebuddy will just reload my archeage in highest settings making my multi session key useless since I cannot load more

Archebuddy High settings default?

Trying to run 2 r-rift bots in the same game

One of the bots works perfectly but the other has errors any reason for this?

both on different machines, both work when doing it solo just not when the 2nd bot isn't the leader

Trying to run 2 r-rift bots in the same game

Trinity not showing up in Plugins Menu.

Just installed beta and QuestTools is there but Trinity isn't. Any Ideas?

Trinity not showing up in Plugins Menu.

HB dead slow and giving weird error after update


Ive been using HB for some time now and all has gone pretty smoothly.
The other day it asked to update and since then it has been slow to load anything and not working as before. I have been getting an error stating "Error trying to save the settings file: The file exists."

I have done a fresh install, but this persists.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
15552 2015-04-28 16.44.txt
Attached Files

HB dead slow and giving weird error after update

key bot plugin

please where can i load the Key Bot 2.1.1 Plugin. not the XML file i have key bot 2.0 plugin

sorry for my english i speak german

key bot plugin

dl the game now. What do you guys think of it? What about new Rootkit

I am going to give this a try and wanted to get any ideas for a noob.

ps I read they are now installing a new Rootkit in your computer that can not be removed, any thoughts on this?

dl the game now. What do you guys think of it? What about new Rootkit

Compiler problem

2015-04-28 23:23:04,232 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - DemonbuddyBETA v1.1.2273.518 started
2015-04-28 23:23:04,378 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - This is a BETA build of Demonbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
2015-04-28 23:23:04,378 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
2015-04-28 23:23:06,028 [7] INFO MainWindow (null) - Logging in...
2015-04-28 23:23:06,324 [7] INFO MainWindow (null) - T: 5247344620288195574 H: 3517863023
2015-04-28 23:23:06,602 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Attached to Diablo III with pid: 54288
2015-04-28 23:23:06,726 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Flashing window
2015-04-28 23:23:07,203 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Executable Path: C:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Demonbuddy.exe
2015-04-28 23:23:07,204 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS Architecture: AMD64
2015-04-28 23:23:07,205 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
2015-04-28 23:23:07,206 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS Language: English (United States)
2015-04-28 23:23:07,871 [1] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing plugins
2015-04-28 23:23:07,936 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Armory\Items\I temWrapper.cs(11,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Armory' already contains a definition for 'ItemWrapper'
2015-04-28 23:23:09,729 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Settin gs\Loot\ItemListSettings.cs(27,7) : warning CS0105: The using directive for 'System.Text' appeared previously in this namespace
2015-04-28 23:23:09,730 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Settin gs\Loot\ItemListSettings.cs(28,7) : warning CS0105: The using directive for 'System.IO' appeared previously in this namespace
2015-04-28 23:23:09,731 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat \Weighting.cs(39,31) : error CS0111: Type 'Trinity.Trinity' already defines a member called 'GetLastHadUnitsInSights' with the same parameter types
2015-04-28 23:23:09,731 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat \Weighting.cs(44,22) : error CS0102: The type 'Trinity.Trinity' already contains a definition for 'MaxWeight'
2015-04-28 23:23:09,731 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat \Weighting.cs(46,29) : error CS0111: Type 'Trinity.Trinity' already defines a member called 'RefreshDiaGetWeights' with the same parameter types
2015-04-28 23:23:09,731 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat \Weighting.cs(1311,29) : error CS0111: Type 'Trinity.Trinity' already defines a member called 'RecordTargetHistory' with the same parameter types
2015-04-28 23:23:09,732 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\ CacheUIObject.cs(12,18) : warning CS0660: 'Trinity.Cache.CacheUIObject' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o)
2015-04-28 23:23:09,732 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danmain\Desktop\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Items\ ItemWrapper.cs(12,18) : warning CS0660: 'Trinity.Items.ItemWrapper' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o)
2015-04-28 23:23:10,258 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - There are 3 plugins
2015-04-28 23:23:11,696 [1] DEBUG BotMain (null) - Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
2015-04-28 23:23:11,699 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Forcing all open windows to close.

Compiler problem

72 Hours suspension 29/4/2014

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:
29/4/2014 - 1:42 AM

4)What profile were you using?:

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
i use garrisonbuddy on a daily bases and i was using BGbuddy for about 2-3 hours (got banned after the BG ends)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
1-5 on my main

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
i buy gold if that count / but the ban says using third party software

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid account

72 Hours suspension 29/4/2014


Is it possible for HB to use a flying mount as a ground mount?


Odd issue with dismounting

I've had a bit of a problem with the bot since about 2 releases ago. Sometimes the bot simply won't dismount. There doesn't seem to be an obvious pattern to when it decides to dismount and when it doesn't--thus, the "odd". It happens with Orderbot, Grindbot, and Fatebot.

Here is the relevant bit of log, and the full log for the day is attached. It's kind of long--I kept dc'ing thanks to TWC.

Where it says "Heavy Swing Failed: Range/LoS" is where it targeted an aggressive mob (not the target mob for the grind) and failed to dismount. Where it was successfully attacking is after I manually dismounted.

Any help you guys can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thank you again.


[22:38:25.303 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[22:38:34.495 D] Moving to next hop: <25.60007, 48.57091, -358.4> (Hotspot) D: 31.32247
[22:38:37.895 D] Moving to next hop: <38.4, 48.4709, -384> (Hotspot) D: 29.33592
[22:38:41.066 D] Moving to next hop: <45.07668, 48.37091, -395.566> (Hotspot) D: 14.10778
[22:38:42.577 D] Moving to next hop: <58.54603, 48.57091, -407.7891> (Hotspot) D: 18.70158
[22:38:44.573 D] Moving to next hop: <58.99958, 48.57091, -408.9698> (Hotspot) D: 1.904356
[22:38:44.703 D] Moving to next hop: <59.69767, 48.87091, -411.002> (Hotspot) D: 2.917423
[22:38:44.968 D] Moving to next hop: <53.95685, 55.67091, -442.468> (Hotspot) D: 33.11788
[22:38:48.499 D] Moving to next hop: <57.60007, 55.9709, -486.4> (Hotspot) D: 44.68575
[22:38:53.395 D] Moving to next hop: <63.25489, 55.57091, -497.5925> (Hotspot) D: 13.18884
[22:38:53.530 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill, Name: Grenade, ObjectId: 40000E3B, NpcId: 270, Location: <54.74908, 56.04092, -477.0044>
[22:38:53.566 D] Targeting Grenade 0x40000E3B 0xD1515B0
[22:38:57.201 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill, Name: Kobold Roundsman, ObjectId: 40000E3E, NpcId: 377, Location: <70.06573, 55.51218, -510.508>
[22:38:57.235 D] Targeting Kobold Roundsman 0x40000E3E 0xD10BD30
[22:39:01.898 N] (RebornCo) Heavy Swing Failed: Range/LoS
[22:39:01.898 D] Requesting path on 180 from <81.19833, 49.69352, -552.1822> to <73.99097, 55.75407, -522.0569>
[22:39:01.898 N] [RebornCo] Movement Result: GeneratingPath
[22:39:01.941 N] (RebornCo) Heavy Swing Failed: Range/LoS
[22:39:01.971 N] (RebornCo) Heavy Swing Failed: Range/LoS
[22:39:01.948 D] Generated path to <73.99097, 55.75407, -522.0569> in 00:00:00.0501257 ms
[22:39:04.495 D] Moving to next hop: <73.99097, 55.75407, -522.0569> () D: 16.63852
[22:39:06.237 D] DoAction Spell 31 0x40000E3E
[22:39:06.237 N] [RebornCo] Casting Heavy Swing
[22:39:06.268 D] DoAction Spell 31 0x40000E3E
[22:39:06.301 N] [RebornCo] Stop Moving
[22:39:06.302 D] DoAction Spell 39 0x40000E3E
[22:39:06.302 N] [RebornCo] Casting Brutal Swing
[22:39:08.273 D] DoAction Spell 37 0x40000E3E
[22:39:08.273 N] [RebornCo] Casting Maim
[22:39:08.308 D] DoAction Spell 37 0x40000E3E
[22:39:10.738 D] DoAction Spell 31 0x40000E3E
[22:39:10.739 N] [RebornCo] Casting Heavy Swing
[22:39:10.772 D] DoAction Spell 31 0x40000E3E
18296 2015-04-28 17.57.txt
Attached Files

Odd issue with dismounting

Skype help ?

Can anyone please help me set this bot up via skype? This forum is not very helpful as to I have no idea what to do with the 50files I am d/ling.....

Skype help ?

Skype help ?

Anyone able to Skype with me on how to actually set this bot up? The "threads" are not too helpful and as a first time user im as lost as it gets. If anyone could go step by step with me thatd be great.

Skype help ?

[Orderbot] Unlock all DoTH classes

This is my first attempt at a profile. I'm also new to the game and still trying to figure a lot of stuff out.

What will this do:
This is a rather simple profile that will unlock all 8 disciple of the hand (crafting) classes.

You need to have unlocked multi-classes.
You need to be able to teleport to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, New Gridania and Ul'Dah - Steps of Nald

How to use:
Unzip to a destination of your choosing. (.xml and the custom folder with the 2 .cs files)
Restart your bot as it may not run the behaviors properly if you haven't.
Select orderbot, load 'DotH Unlock.xml'
Start the bot.

kagepande for his mining/botany profiles and behaviors which I used to make this, without those I wouldn't have had a clue on how to start this.
kagamihiiragi17 for his profiles and behaviors that served as a base for kagepande's.

Special thanks to:
kagepande for his mega profile pack.
kagamihiiragi17 for his questing pack and GourmetGuy.
tiesto1337 for his noobie tutorial that helped me get started with this bot/game.
Neverdyne for his plugins Agil, Zekken and Listbeth that I will start using soon.
Endus for his Ultima combat routine.
mastahg for making this great bot.
Attached Files

[Orderbot] Unlock all DoTH classes

Vieux Profil Raid Help

Bonjour, je souhaiterai savoir si il existe des profils pour farm d'ancien raid du style KZ, Nax ou autre meme ^^ si oui un petit link ca serai très gentil car j'avoue que je m'en sors pas trop avec tout les post en anglais et pas trop bilingue sur les bords ^^ merci d'avance à tous :)

Vieux Profil Raid Help

Dungeon timer

Hey guys,

I want to create a plugin that keeps track how long an instance clearing run has taken and if it is longer than X amount of time to wait before resetting.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated! I'm using dungeonbuddy to farm instances but unfortunately sometimes the run takes less than 6 minutes and the bot repeatedly tries to enter the instance (that's where blizzard moves in to ban :D).


Dungeon timer

Adjusting distance between the leader and followers

Is it possible to adjust the distance between the leader and followers? (Simplefollow)

Adjusting distance between the leader and followers

After 3 years and 50k later, Thank you HB.

I was one of the very few people lucky enough to be a full time botter for a major online account reseller. I was making 150$ per account I leveled and sold to them. I became so close I was even buying them charge cards here and making a 20% return just sending them the #s, insane. Now back in the day you could level an account in 7 days or less. With many accounts at once lets say I quickly made more money then I did working at my 'real' job. It was amazing and I sold over 200 accounts in 2 years with not one ban or issue with the reseller. I also sold gold but I found it to be something I had no interest in, only when I had surplus. Before HB I was a arena glad so by using it we also sold full account tweaking and rating. Money was all over the place with this, but it was a blast and the money kept rolling in.

I have played warcraft for 10+years. There was nothing much of interest in the game left for me, other then botting. Of course after the lvl 90 boost for 60$ came out, the market crashed beyond repair. There are too many useless 'skillcapped' sites to really compete with arena boosting now. I will forever thank you Honorbuddy. You made my REAL LIFE better in more ways then I can thank you.

I of course have a lvl 100 of every ally and horde char. I am 2000-26000 on every char. I have no interest in raiding or gold selling. I think after my amazing 3 years it's time for a break.

Warcraft by itself never made my life better - it just filled a void with something to do.
Honorbuddy - changed my REAL LIFE for the better in amazing ways.

Thank you HB Team, Thank you so very much!

After 3 years and 50k later, Thank you HB.

Help needed to write own profile....Wiki instructions are gone.

Guy's I've searched Hi and Low I can't find the howto write a custom profile wiki information anywhere. How can I start writing custom profiles ?

Help needed to write own profile....Wiki instructions are gone.

Ошибка при попытке старта аккаунта

Ночью вырубалось электричество, комп перезагружался, с утра пытаюсь запустить аккаунты и получаю вот такое:

Переустановка не помогла, прокси не юзаю.

Ошибка при попытке старта аккаунта

Authentication failed for honorbuddy

I have bought the key a week ago, when i typed my key and log in to honorbuddy, always shows Authentication failed and Unable to connect to Buddy servers. Our helpful supporter Tony replied me said they were on this problem, can I know how long will finish fixing this problem.
Attached Files

Authentication failed for honorbuddy

problem when starting the bot

hi when i try to start the bot after the login it appears thi on log file:Diablo III is running but no build supported by Demonbuddy detected, was there a patch?

2015-04-28 11:30:24,229 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Demonbuddy v1.1.2281.1 started
2015-04-28 11:30:27,804 [5] INFO MainWindow (null) - Logging in...
2015-04-28 11:30:29,139 [5] INFO MainWindow (null) - T: 5247344192705920735 H: 3955538111
2015-04-28 11:30:29,235 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Diablo III is running but no build supported by Demonbuddy detected, was there a patch?
2015-04-28 11:30:41,480 [1] DEBUG BotMain (null) - Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
2015-04-28 11:30:41,481 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Forcing all open windows to close.
what can i do?

problem when starting the bot

[HOW TO] Successfully Bot (Rifts/GRifts) a Barbarian 24/7 100% AFK

Last Update: 28.04.2015
WORKING BEST WITH Trinity 2.8.4 & QuestTool 3.4.16

This thread will always be kept up-to-date

Here is an overview of how to successfully bot a Barbarian up to Grift 45+ (DEPENDS ON YOUR GEAR!). With these plugins/settings, you can farm 24/7 100% AFK. I strongly appreciate any advices how to improve my settings, resulting in the most optimized Barb botting for Rifts/GRifts.

Trinity 2.8.4
QuestTools 3.4.16
KadalaSpree 2.7.2
R-Rift.xml (for me rev17 works best. Tho, rev18 is the newest one but I had some problems with it)
Yet Another Relogger (without this plugin, you will not be able to run your bot 24/7 AFK)
IMPORTANT: Fresh install required, otherwise you may get problems. Also, newer versions do not necessarily mean they work better. The past has taught me, always keep a backup whenever you try to update any plugin/profile to a newer version

TRINITY SETTINGS: (not all tabs shown, only the most important ones)
RECOMMENDED: you have to set an Itemlist (you will find a tutorial how to do here), otherwise you will have to babysit your bot (Itemlist_BarbS3.txt is my Itemlist. It will keep all ancient Sets/Weapons/Rings/Amulets usefull for Barbs and Followers (with few exceptions on most important items = they are not ancient)

NOTE: Setting Disable Combat At Wave Count 10 will create you 38-43 GRift Keys (DEPENDS ON YOUR GEAR!). And yes, the bot upgrades always the lowest Gem first

NOTE: Once again, pushing to higher Grifts always depends on your gear

These settings are based on my own experience. The current status of DB/Trinity/QuestTools is not 100% perfect. You still will see your character die, stuck, etc (but for these, you will have your EXP inactivity timer). I have tried out a lot of different plugins/profiles (like Trinity 2.8.4 fork, but the most CONSISTENT ones are listed above. With these, you can farm 24/7 100% AFK. Tho, I will always try to find better plugins/updates and I will edit this thread to keep it up-to-date. I also strongly appreciate any advices from the community how to improve these settings to optimize Barb botting for Rifts/GRifts.

If you like this tutorial, let me know ;)
Attached Images
Attached Files

[HOW TO] Successfully Bot (Rifts/GRifts) a Barbarian 24/7 100% AFK

Hey I need Help Please!


I m not sure do is that correct place but I have problem with configuration...I have download demonbuddy instal it and now trying to load profile but any doesn't works.I load trinity routine and have problem with finding correct profile could someone send me address with farming acts 3 4/5 and maybe other useful information. Already checked buddy's guide but it seems to be a little bit out of date.
Thank You for help.

Hey I need Help Please!

Client crashes when changing screens or randomly when selecting other programs

so i'll be raiding/questing or whatever and go to search a quest guide or watch youtube and just the physical act of clicking another application/program causes the WoW client to complete close down.

this has only started recently and im really unsure why.

Is there anything to do to fix this?

Client crashes when changing screens or randomly when selecting other programs

Arena Class Choice

Is the standard ArenaPreffered best to pick in arena? For example ArenaPreffered 1 is hunter ; so i got Mage/Lock/Hunter, should i get hunter?

Arena Class Choice

Why is there no hunter pet tamer ?

Why is there no hunter pet tamer ?

I see so manny G/GB2 profiles, a lot with the potential of adding a simple taim insted of kill.

Its so sad, many of us used rarekiller.
Now its down. Honestly... I dont think it will come back.

So developers of "GB2 profiles".
If you see this post. will you reply.
Im no developer, but i'm willing to help.

Why is there no hunter pet tamer ?

Is there a way to set bot to stop as soon as the 100 gold limit is reached?


Is there a way to set bot to stop as soon as the 100 gold limit is reached?

HB Not functioning correctly with many profiles and missing a few

HB Not functioning correctly with many profiles and missing a few, paid for a few bots and free trials and 9 out of 10 won't work the HB program loads up and then does nothing there's no error message or anything just does nothing, or the bot loads up does half the tasks it's supposed to then just stops.....

HB Not functioning correctly with many profiles and missing a few

Bot stops suddenly

So, i was botting last night, no problem, but then at some point it just stops, and whenever i try to start it, it just stops the bot again.

This is what it says:


[QuestTools][ChangeMonitor] Act changed from A4 to A5 (400) SnoId=312418
[QuestTools][ChangeMonitor] worldId changed from 172909 to 304235 - X1_Westmarch_Hub
[QuestTools][ChangeMonitor] levelAreaId changed from 92945 to 270011 - x1_Westm_Hub
[QuestTools][ChangeMonitor] Change(s) occured at Position x="558" y="765" z="3"
========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 5, in Execute
NameError: global name 'QuestComplete' is not defined
Stopping the bot.
Session lasted for: 00:00:10.2126577
Chose Trinity as your combat routine
Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 9f893405-e8a2-4de6-8368-d16cc3b6edb3
[QuestTools][BotBehaviorQueue] Inserting BotBehaviorQueue Hook
Inserted new hook [BotBehavior @0] 6f6b03d0-5e4a-4a4b-a973-18bee1ff656d
[Trinity] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 98b3f986-d358-4230-bf87-a088dc7bf155
[Trinity] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] f4c1ffba-500a-4fac-92a2-790603244563
OnStop event
OnStop Event Invoking
[BotMain.OnBotStop] Resetting caches
[QuestTools][ExploreDungeonTag] ExploreDungeon ResetCachedDone()
Resetting current behavior.
Exception during scheduling Pulse: IronPython.Runtime.UnboundNameException: global name 'QuestComplete' is not defined
at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.GetVariabl e(CodeContext context, String name, Boolean isGlobal, Boolean lightThrow)
at IronPython.Compiler.LookupGlobalInstruction.Run(In terpretedFrame frame)
at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(In terpretedFrame frame)
at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](T0 arg0)
at IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCall Target0(PythonFunction function)
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0)
at _Scripting_(Object[] )
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.GetConditionExec ()
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.get_IsDone()
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.ProfileBehavior.get_IsDoneCache()
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileOrderManager.(IEnumerable`1 )
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileOrderManager.UpdateCurrentBehavior ()
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.UpdateCurrentProfileBehavi or()
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.OrderBot.(Object , EventArgs )
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.BrainBehavior.DoScheduling()
Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

Bot stops suddenly

Friendly mode doesn't work

Under Client Broken I see "Friendly"

Friendly mode doesn't work


how to update panel icons in game client after using this method?


HB : Le bot ne fait plus rien


Suite a quelques semaine d'arrêt, je relance le bot, tout se passe bien, je le met sur le questing en choisissant mon profil et tout la configuration habituel, je start et puis, rien......

Le bot buff et le bouge plus, Loading Profile.... et basta !

J'ai déjà reinstaler ect....

Quelqu'un a une idée ?

HB : Le bot ne fait plus rien

insta crash on launch

could someone help me ? i have the problem where it crashes at start.
if someone can teamviewer it to help, i already got teamviewer installed :)

insta crash on launch

When some legendry gem reached max level, bot stucks on uishi

First of all, many thanks to all.

I had some problem @ upgrade legendry gem.

{405803,"Boon of the Hoarder"},
{405796,"Gogok of Swiftness"},
{405797,"Invigorating Gemstone"},

When below legendry gem reached MAX level, my bot stucks.

Any some ideas? thanks.

When some legendry gem reached max level, bot stucks on uishi

Guo Lai vs Firelands Farming bot: Which is safer + More Profitable?

I'm looking to buy either the Firelands or Guo Lai cache bot, but I'm wondering which will be safer without the use of professions.

The firelands bot claims to get 2.5k an hour, same as the Guo Lai, but firelands should be safer, right? Would I need some sort of profession like enchanting to disenchant greens/rares for maximum profits? Just wondering which is better for not having to babysit 24/7, but maybe check in once every couple of hours.


Guo Lai vs Firelands Farming bot: Which is safer + More Profitable?

72 Hour suspension

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:
Yesterday (When the account was banned...

4)What profile were you using?:

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
15 minutes (Hadn't botted for a while and just came back after a break)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid account

72 Hour suspension

Why can we not compare routines?

Just wondering why this isn't aloud?... Surely it would make cr developers push even more if they saw routine B pushing more dps/hps then theirs?

No hate please it's just a genuine question :-)

Why can we not compare routines?

Проблема с АБ

При попытке загрузить чара пишет не удалось подключится к серверу проверьте нет ли проф работ а их нет в чем проблема кто подскажет!!!!

Проблема с АБ

Question about Armory plugin

I have set it up Auto Equip and it doesnt equip anything can i get help?
im really new just got mine today!

Question about Armory plugin

lundi 27 avril 2015

Connecting to server. Fail.

Does not start the program. "Step1.Connecting to server. Fail."

Connecting to server. Fail.

Unable to log in to Buddy Store

I'm trying to get Millz' mage routine profile on the buddy store. I don't really remember my info so I guessed my usual credentials with no luck. When I try to reset password, it says the email or username is incorrect. Then, when I go to "Resend Activation Email", it says "Could not find a user by that email address. Please correct the email address entered below. If you have not registered, please do so via the register link above." It also gives me an error that says "The Username field is required.", but there is no user name field on the page. Only the email text box. When attempting to register an account with the email that I used to purchase my honorbuddy key, it says that the email address is already in use (obviously). Thanks for any help.

Unable to log in to Buddy Store

Constantly Crashing..

i have been browsing the forum for about 3hrs now searching archives for Windows 8 Crash Fix..

is there any hope that i can start DB without Crashing on Windows 8 OS or it is not supported yet?

when i start DB it Crashes after i press Log in.. i really need a link to read for the Fix.. Thank You..

Constantly Crashing..





e大 国服挂宏伟秘境为何在第五幕主城回城存箱子就不动了 然后DB就蹦出Ç


e大 国服挂宏伟秘境为何在第五幕主城回城存箱子就不动了 然后DB就蹦出Ç

Key stopped working?

I have had my demonbuddy 3 session key for around 2 years now, and today it just randomely stopped working. It says invalid...authentication failed. Not sure what to do. Thanks for your time

Key stopped working?

[Plugin] Anglers Fishing Raft - When using a bot that does not already do it.

[Plugin] Anglers Fishing Raft
This plugin will automatically use Anglers Fishing Raft when using a bot that does not already do it for you.

Cast Anglers Fishing Raft while swiming.
Will also cast while moving say you run from land into water deep enough to swim in.
Cast Anglers Fishing Raft while fishing (Ex: MrFishIt Questing Behavior)
As soon as it detects you're in the water, it will jump up and land you on your Anglers Fishing Raft.

Cast while mounted, in combat, out of water, etc..

Must be Revered with "The Anglers" faction in Mists of Pandaria
Must have purchased an Anglers Fishing Raft from Nat Pagle <The Anglers Quartermaster> in Krasarang Wilds, Pandaria.
Must have the Anglers Fishing Raft in your bags.

Unzip Anglers Fishing into your folder "Honorbuddy/Plugins/"
Once that is done you should have the file path "Honorbuddy/Plugins/Anglers Fishing Raft/Anglers Fishing Raft.cs"
Attached Files

[Plugin] Anglers Fishing Raft - When using a bot that does not already do it.

Instant Crash

Tried fresh installs, no plugins, most up to date plugins, and beta version of DB. Any input or info would be much appreciated.

I've attached the log.
Attached Files

Instant Crash

I tried the 1 session and have question

i got this bot and left it on and it is stuck at act 1 boss and reason is that it kept the items when i first started and notice that didnt pick up any items and didnt equiped any items. is there guide shows how to make it equip? i seen only guide how to set it up at first only :( im going to buy the full demonbuddy but i want this issues to be solved :)

I tried the 1 session and have question

How good is WB for Leveling?

I don't need it to make quests as I can see it only has quest up to lvl 24.
However is it stable enough to leave it (if it's even possible) to just leave it grind at X spot?

How good is WB for Leveling?

Chiniese download What the what is going on?

So I tried to reinstall demonbuddy after it was not working. Now when I download it and try to install pops up in Chinese? Is this a demonbuddy problem or is my computer hacked or whatever..? im just trying to figure out whats up

Chiniese download What the what is going on?

[PAID] Timbermaw Hold Rep Grind

Timbermaw Hold Rep Grind

This profile will complete a large bulk of the quests in Felwood and Winterspring relating to the Timbermaw Hold reputation, before moving back to Felwood to grind kills and items for turnin to reach exalted with the rep.

This profile can be started from anywhere, and it will move in the best fashion it can to Felwood.

NOTE: This profile is included in TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Premium) and does NOT need to be purchased separately.

You can find the profile here.

Thread Management Rules
The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Price discussions
  • Comparisons to other products
  • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
  • Theory crafting
  • General chit-chat
  • etc

We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

[PAID] Timbermaw Hold Rep Grind

Arch buddy not moving to dig site


So when I start archaelogy buddy it doesn't move to dig site.

Log :

12480 2015-04-27 21.00.txt

Thanks for your help!
Attached Files

Arch buddy not moving to dig site

Purchase not streaming from Buddy Store


I recently purchased a bot from the store and its not streaming. I'm not sure if the German version of Honorbuddy can support Greedy. I've done a clean install and deleted my cache folder. Not sure what else I can do. I followed the wiki trouble shooting all my other routines/bots are streaming except Greedy10848 2015-04-27 10.59.txt.
Attached Files

Purchase not streaming from Buddy Store

Few questions

Just got the bot and am starting to mess with profiles, just basic stuff for now.
I created a profile to gather water crystals, but I have no idea how to I find other aetheryte ids without having to open existing ones and copy the numbers, how can I find each aeth's id?

Also, even though the global settings option to always use mount is 100%, it just walks/springs to nodes, is there a way to make it always use the mount, no matter the distance?

Another thing, I noticed it has a small delay after finishing gathering, is this configurable somewhere?

Thanks in advance!

Few questions

HB automatically quits after signing in

Right after I log in to HB, it will start to load up and then just exit out of the program.
Attached Files

HB automatically quits after signing in

HB stops responding

Hi, i usually use the launcher to get HB to attached to WoW, and i use to see this message regularly. But it will still start WoW. nowadays it just shows this and nth happens. HB Stop responding.PNG
Attached Images

HB stops responding

Attached to WoW with ID 2388


My Honorbuddy dont work on my low level char. plz help.

6788 2015-04-27 21.31.txt
Attached Files

Attached to WoW with ID 2388

Barb, Wizard, or WD for botting S3? Can't find any build/profiles for botting

I'm looking to startup S3, but wanna bot only one toon, where can i find a good build to bot using Barb, Wizard, or WD?

I understand once I've gotten my set items it'll become easier, but even then... whats the easiest to yolo bot softcore to victory???

Please post any threads or builds that I can use for one or all of these classes pre set items.

Barb, Wizard, or WD for botting S3? Can't find any build/profiles for botting

Profile for new map?

Anyone make a profile for the new map yet?

Profile for new map?

HB destroys my fps after starting a profile

i got 100-150fps max out but when i start hb(with profiles) it just freezes my screen (1fps)

maybe i have 2 reinstall?

HB destroys my fps after starting a profile

remove [Secret of Draenor Engineering] from the items sold to trash

hi i faced that the bot trash [Secret of Draenor Engineering] along with grey items to free some bag can you please on next update fix that ?

P.S: my case while i am starting dungeonbuddy

remove [Secret of Draenor Engineering] from the items sold to trash

4 out of 5 man Dungeon team least they showing healz some love :D

Same message on all 4 accounts 3 Deeps and 1 tank. Healz left alone xD



Account: WOW1
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use

This page contains details on how suspensions are appealed and reviewed:
How to Appeal Suspensions and Closures - Support

Blizzard Entertainment

Knew ban was coming sooner or later, so no QQing. 6-8 hours a day not every day. Bastards waited until i bought a time token from AH on each account before doing it :D

4 out of 5 man Dungeon team least they showing healz some love :D

Hovering over Pots than not moving

During mapping my char is hovering over the item slot of one of my pots and the item info is up so my character just stops moving after that, how to fix.

Hovering over Pots than not moving

DB crashing after starting profile r-rift

fresh install
DB 518
6832 2015-04-27 17.19.txt
Attached Files

DB crashing after starting profile r-rift

HB Freezing and Massive framerate drop

So, since one of the last updates this bot has been freezing the game and causing a massive framerate drop. I get normally 60-70 frames even in 32bit mode. When i run this bot it drops all the way down to 3-8 frames. I only ever use this for garrisonboss. I tried using the garrison buddy bot, but its the same thing. This is a fresh install and i have also tried running the bot with nothing streaming. I am starting to get disappointed in this bot. It used to run great and now it seems like its becoming crap. I have posted about this problem several times. Here is a log of what it is doing when i run GarrisonBoss. An update that would fix this issue would be great, although i am not expecting anything since this keeps happening.
Attached Files

HB Freezing and Massive framerate drop

Wanted-Relog settings (personal info removed)

Hi Guys,

Looking for a template to use to setup my bot to logon my alts and run garrison buddy and move to the next toon ( I have 8 alt)

If any one has already done this- id love a copy (with your account/toon details removed)..

Would be more then happy to buy you a coffee (paypal) for your efforts.


Wanted-Relog settings (personal info removed)

authentication failed

Received key yesterday, entered keyed into the correct dialog box, will not except.
Attached Files

authentication failed

Profile Path for Blackrock foundry (DungeonBuddy)

Please, i'm sure we are plenty to overneed Blackrock foundry Path for LFR.

Someone can take a look on it?

So much thanks

Profile Path for Blackrock foundry (DungeonBuddy)

DungeonBuddy - Follower Stuck into Dungeon

Hi, i want to level my Hunter (level40) with my main (level 100 -other account) per dungeonbuddy

I set my main as Leader but my twink dont follow my main outside the dungeon so they cant restart the dungeon?

what can i do?

DungeonBuddy - Follower Stuck into Dungeon

NPC offer for selling items


Is there any way to get the offer what the char get when selling items to npc?

NPC offer for selling items

The Arogant FisherMan

bot I use with HB***** to fish in the garrison and then cook the fish sell the fish then deposit the fish in slot 3 of the guild bank, typically I run garrison boss before and after. the fishing acts as a time delay so the garrison boss runs over and over again in reasonable intervals.

its mostly cut and paste and this is my first attempt at functional code. so if you like it great if you don't like it the script deletes quite easily.

Special thanks to HigVoltz and who ever wrote AHRestocker. I borrowed and edited your sub routines to make this happen.
Attached Files

The Arogant FisherMan

Honorbuddy Launcher 已停止工作

Honorbuddy Launcher 已停止工作
出现一个问题,导致程序停止工作,请关闭改程序。出这个问题是系统的问题么,原来提示我少了一个DLL,我 用百度修复DLL后就这个样子了。

Honorbuddy Launcher 已停止工作

1-100 Questing Profile Pack 这个脚本的问题

HTML Code:

1,90的小号一开始的时候,把MOP的所有合剂、药剂、食物等等全部卖掉了。。。。额,虽然说是过期了, 虽然说是清理背包空间……会不会有点过。。。
2,在某几个地方,好像直接杀进BL营地了【我是LM,不知道BL用这个脚本有这个问题没】 92级左右的小号,跑去屠BL的营地,还死了复活继续……如果不人为的干涉的话,测试了下 3个小时一直重复这个。。。结果BL来了一小队人重点照顾我。。。
3,举个例子,比如杀怪类型的任务,杀死多少个怪就算完成。任务完成后,在返程或者去其他任务的路上,还是 会一直杀怪。。。我一个潜行者,隐身无限速度爆发,轻轻松可以走掉的,结果一路杀怪过去,好烧点卡啊。。。 。特别现在国服没有包月的情况下。。。。

希望Buddy Team的脚本能越来越好。

1-100 Questing Profile Pack 这个脚本的问题

我也是刚在中国支付的db买的暗黑兄弟通过支付宝 没有收到cdk

我也是刚在中国支付的db买的暗黑兄弟通过支付宝 邮箱和付费的支付宝不是一个邮箱没有收到cdk 求管理帮看看

我也是刚在中国支付的db买的暗黑兄弟通过支付宝 没有收到cdk

Can't run demonbuddy

I still can't run demonbuddy ver 404 despite installing the latest .NET Framework.

Any kind soul can help?

Can't run demonbuddy

Demonbuddy keeps quitting

I recently purchased Demonbuddy yesterday Sunday April 26th. I am not able to get it to work, after I put my key in it says demonbuddy stopped working. I have followed all the information in the manual up to that point with the same results every time. Here is the most recent log of me trying to start up DB. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Attached Files

Demonbuddy keeps quitting

Compte clôture à vie


J'utilises HB depuis mop, j'ai fait pas mal de pvp Bg non coté à mop avec, et du xp sur une quinzaine de persos....

Je n'ai jamais usé HB pour faire du profit en or, jamais. J ai même stop HD a la fin de mop et j'ai repris un peu au début de wod pour up 14 persos au 100, le premier je l'ai fait a la main comme une grande....

Aucun bot Bg uniquement du xp sur wod, et d'ailleurs j'ai stop le bot y a un mois après avoir finit le up...

J'ai même desinstaller le bot du Pc au début du mois, je pensais le réinstaller a la prochaine extension, je suis très maniaque et je fait très attention au warden....

Et ce matin un mail de clôture définitive de compte.....

J'ai tenter le dialogue mais impossible, perma ban, ayant déjà pris un avertissement il y a 6 mois pour insulte sur le jeu, il prennent en compte ceci et rajoute que sur le premier mail tout autre infraction au jeu entraînerai un perma ban... Du coup question :

- pourquoi ban pour logiciel tiers alors que je l'ai plus sur le Pc depuis un mois ?

- pourquoi un premier avertissement pour grossièreté en jeu serai tenue en compte comme première sanction pré ban pour du bot.

Je précise que quand je xp mes persos je le faisait toujours la journée jamais la nuit et jamais plus de 6 heures, jamais sans surveillance, je parlais aux gens et activait HB après lancement du jeu....

Comment font ils ???

Compte main avec 22 k de Hf et 267 montures ..... Je suis dégoûtée du coup je vais chercher à racheter un gros compte si je trouve


Compte clôture à vie

WTF is up with GB2 ?

I thought I was the profiles, So ive tired paid ones and free ones...

Cant get a single profile to last more then 20 mins with out stalling on a herb, or just stopping for no reason..

ive looked at the logs, and it just says either moving to hotspot.

or gathering herb.

Ive tried clean installs no CR for my druid..

It just sucks..

Back in MOP I ran my bot for days on end and it never froze ?

WTF is up with GB2 ?

HB Cant Login

10120 2015-04-27 17.41.txt

my HB stop at login. frezz.
Attached Files

HB Cant Login


没有找到kill key的地址。麻烦知道的朋友提供下。谢谢了。。


С 1 мая предстоит повышение цен

Здравствуйте друзья!

С 1 мая 2015 года, мы увеличим цены на наши продукты. Месячная сессия будет стоить 8,99 евро, а пробные ключи трехдневного доступа - 2,99 евро. Цена на пожизненную сессию останется той же самой.

В основном, к этому привело изменение договора с нашим провайдером платежей.

Надеемся, что вы продолжите наслаждаться нашими продуктами и системой ценообразования, особенно наши пожизненные предложения.


С 1 мая предстоит повышение цен

72hrs ban due to garrisonbuddy?

Yesterday I got a 72hrs ban. Strange though, as I was monitoring the account 100% (while playing my main account) and didn't got a whisper nor GM messages. The account wasn't stuck and I was at the place where I've always farmed for greens with very very, VERY little population. So, I remembered to used GarrisonBuddy yesterday for the first time and about 2hrs later I got the ban. Is that just coincidence or do you guys think it's somehow related?

I basically never bot without monitoring it as I really do not want to lose my 2nd account. Therefore I only bot for about 2-5 hrs a day. Is it really the case that Blizzard will monitor your account after a 72hrs ban more frequently?

Ah: With my main and a third account (not the banned one) I also tried to multiboxing. As far as I know this is allowed and again, it might be just coincidence but is it possible that this is related?

Also, I have opened a ticket with Blizzard, saying that the only 3rd party software I've used is my multiboxing software and I really want them to unlock my account. Their answer was:


We have now reviewed the action and found that we have sufficent evidence and were correct to have suspended the account.
How can they detect that? As I thought Honorbuddy is not detectable? And the least I would expect if one person (not a program) is banning me is having proof?


72hrs ban due to garrisonbuddy?


Buenas, soy muy novato con el honorbuddy y me instalado la versión de prueba del Garrisonboss y no se como funciona, ya que cargo el bot, le doy a start y no sucede nada.¿tengo que cargar algun profile?

Gracias, un saludo.


Bounties recommendation

Is there a profile that does ALL the bounties and get the Horadric Cache and get rift keystone?

Bounties recommendation

Anyone have a good item rules set?

Hi Does anyone have a good item rules set that ignores the useless set items and uniques. I am getting 13-15 legendaries an hours and would like bot to salvage a lot of the legendaries so my stash does not fill up. Thanks.

Anyone have a good item rules set?

How to stop identifying on the field?

How do I get the bot to stop identifying while not in town? I only want it to identify when it towns and goes to the book of cain to save time. I never had this issues of it identifying everything when it picks it up until all of these updates.

How to stop identifying on the field?

dimanche 26 avril 2015



购买时填写的邮箱 (2次购买均是此邮箱)

购买订单编号1:____________________________________ ____ order number: 127037889

购买订单编号2:____________________________________ ____ order number: 127055848









Loaded profile ALPHA Act 1
Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:5
Checking if we have all bounties complete
[QuestTools][ActBountiesComplete] Bounties Complete count:4
[QuestTools][ActBountiesComplete] Bounty px_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Camp_ResurgentCult (432293) unsupported or invalid.
Leaving game, reason: done.
Profile completed
Number of games completed: 3
Last run acquired 0 gold.



aimbot modu kullanımı ?

world of tanks a mod olarak kurduğum çok işe yarar bir otomatik nişan geliştiricisi var ancak bunu bot kullanamıyor bunu düzeltebilirimiyim? yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

aimbot modu kullanımı ?



Attached Files


barb always use COTA when enter the ghom

how to set it after the CG then use COTA while not as soon as i enter the ghom room,my COTA just last 20S(no immortal kings set) btw, if i dont choose the Trinity routines,other routines would not work with Trinity?

barb always use COTA when enter the ghom

Hearthstone Problem!

Hello Community,

I only started yesterday to play Hearthstone and brought me the bot.

The following: In the beginning only the Mage is unlocked and I have to Game Mode in Bot: Constructed found

And I want to level up even with my Mage and with no other character. How can I set that is only leveled the Mage? Initially in the menu on player selection when I start the bot, the bot always looking for a character from the not yet available. How can I fix the problem?

i hope you can help me.

Thanks Cheers.

Hearthstone Problem!

How to stash blue and whites only

Hey guys. Looking for a solution to stash my blues and whites so i can trasnfer to my main. I have it ticked on to stash blues and whites, but then it goes to the vendor to sell! why?!?!

How to stash blue and whites only

How to only stash Whites and Blue

The title says it all. I am just looking to farm mats for my main account. How can I configure this thing to just pick up whites and blues. It currently does but then it sells them to vendor after I told trinity to stash the whites and blues. im super confused! help!

How to only stash Whites and Blue

hb打开一直卡在 T/H

[02:49:25.896 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13765.784 started.
[02:49:27.280 N] Logging in...
[02:49:28.065 N] T: 5247343016100335155 H: 3299271342


hb打开一直卡在 T/H

wow crashed "not responding" after about 10 minutes of botting :|

Specs windows 7 i7 920 Geforce 570 12 gigs of ram

So I can play on this computer just fine-play for hours and it never freezes. but soon as i put HB on it locks up - or not responding.

I've tried moving graphics all the way down, all the way up, down to DX 9 back to dx 11 - I have updated my video drivers -

My next step is deleteing my graphic drivers and reinstalling fresh - if that doesnt help i dont know. in the mean time ima post the log see if you guys know what to look for to see what could cause it.
Attached Files

wow crashed "not responding" after about 10 minutes of botting :|

[PAID] Classic Azeroth Cooking and Fishing Dailies

Classic Azeroth Cooking and Fishing Dailies

Profile set for both cooking and fishing dailies in the 3 major cities (Org/TB/UC, SW/IF/Darn).

These profiles will handle each capital's quests (all 5 each, both fishing or cooking) for the day, picking up and turning in as needed.
At time of release, version 1.0, only Orgrimmar's profiles are set to move from Draenor to capital. All others require you to be anywhere else (Pandaria, Northrend, Outlands, EK or Kalimdor) before starting.

These profiles do not link together, as each will be required to start separately.

Thread Management Rules
The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Price discussions
  • Comparisons to other products
  • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
  • Theory crafting
  • General chit-chat
  • etc

We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

[PAID] Classic Azeroth Cooking and Fishing Dailies

[PAID] Hydraxian Waterlords Rep Grind

Hydraxian Waterlords/Molten Core Reputation Grind

This profile will head out move your character to the Molten Core from any location, and farm to Exalted on mobs and bosses!

It will kill all the mobs in the first area, leading up to the first open area boss, until we are Revered, resetting the instance after all viable mobs are gone!
Then, it will come back in and clear the bosses, so that we only need a total of ~20 runs to finish the rep!

Multiple item drops include those for Thorium Brotherhood, and possible Legendary items (Thunderfury, and Sulfuron's!)

Recommended Loot off for persistant runs, as running out of inventory space may cause some slow downs, and even some failures (inside MC loot handling is currently not set up to handle vendor runs). For fastest results, turn Looting off, or setup an addon such as Trashcan or HB Addon Mr. Item Remover 2 to auto delete greys or clear space for you.

You can find the profile here.

Thread Management Rules
The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Price discussions
  • Comparisons to other products
  • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
  • Theory crafting
  • General chit-chat
  • etc

We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

[PAID] Hydraxian Waterlords Rep Grind

몹과의 공격거리 설정해도 돌진하는 악사 ㅠㅜ

kite trigger range 40 으로 해도 몹과 바짝 붙어서 활을 쏩니다 트리니티 최신버전에서 문제가 있는건지 다른 회원님들께선 몹과의 거리 설정 하시면 잘 동작 하나요 ??

몹과의 공격거리 설정해도 돌진하는 악사 ㅠㅜ

Barb WW

From the latest trinity build, barbarian able to spam WW consistently.. but when he go into map like Bastion keep or Act 3 map, he always stuck at corner and keep WW.. i cant even mouse away..

TLDR : Barb WW and stuck at corners.. Unable to nagivate away because Barb keep spinning.

Barb WW

Download updates failed

Everytime I launch Updater.exe it fails.

I reinstalled all redistribution. Disabled firewalls, disabled antivirus, forwarded ports... everything.

Download updates failed

Trinity has errors upon login.

Once I sign into DB I get a whole list of errors for the plugin "Trinity."

It seems that no one else is having this issue or I haven't dug deeper into the
forums to actually pin point a thread that is having the same issue as me. I
have tried to delete and re-install the entire thing multiple times and it still
does not work and I get the same errors as before.

Is there anyone that I can talk to live about this issue and how to solve it?
Because my friends have told me just to delete it all and look for previous
versions of everything and use that because it didn't have errors then.

Trinity has errors upon login.

Can't run demonbuddy ver 404

I recently downloaded the demonbuddy ver404 but and run it but it stopped running with error msg :

"Demonbuddy has stopped working........
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Window will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."

I bought the demonbuddy and used the password as given. What is the problem and how to resolve it?

Can't run demonbuddy ver 404