lundi 27 avril 2015

Unable to log in to Buddy Store

I'm trying to get Millz' mage routine profile on the buddy store. I don't really remember my info so I guessed my usual credentials with no luck. When I try to reset password, it says the email or username is incorrect. Then, when I go to "Resend Activation Email", it says "Could not find a user by that email address. Please correct the email address entered below. If you have not registered, please do so via the register link above." It also gives me an error that says "The Username field is required.", but there is no user name field on the page. Only the email text box. When attempting to register an account with the email that I used to purchase my honorbuddy key, it says that the email address is already in use (obviously). Thanks for any help.

Unable to log in to Buddy Store

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