mardi 3 mars 2015

wont pick up/do quests

I using the kick 98-100 nagrand profile using the questing bot. Other characters are not having trouble with the leveling profile.

My toon wont pick up new quests or do any of the current quests in its log.

It just attacks Leatherhide mobs in the middle of Nagrand. Is the bot trying to get an item to drop off of leatherhides that has a quest starting item? I checked my bank but i dont have any quest starting items there.

1) I tried dropping everything in my quest log to force it to re pick up quests. Is there a certain quest i need to manually pick up in order to get back on track?

2) I tried reseting cache's Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache corruption problems - The Buddy Wiki

3) I tried picking up a bunch of quests in the zone manually and restarting the bot but it still did the same kill all Leatherhide mob behavior.

1524 2015-03-03 15.15.txt

2892 2015-03-03 15.33.txt

Attached Files

wont pick up/do quests

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