mardi 30 septembre 2014

Is Cybot being discontinued?

Hey guys,

I just started playing WoW again after a 1 year break. Back then, I found a promising Bot called Cybot and as far as I could figure out it was bought from Honorbuddy. Their website is now linked to the honorbuddy site, so I wanna know if I can find the Bot somewhere. I really like the concept of a Passive Bot and hope that s1 can help me.

If s1 knows a similar Bot, you can tell it to me, too. If it's not allowed send me a PM. The Bot should have similar features like PiroxBots had, I think that mesh is to unreliable. I saw Bots stuck at the same place over and over again with the

mesh system and I wanna avoid that^^

Thanks :)

Is Cybot being discontinued?

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