Enhanced Trade Runs
What will this plugin do for you ?, it will go to the crafting workbench craft a pack if you have enough materials and go to the gold trader in a city that you specify. This will only do land routes and do note you have to record them yourself. If you get attacked along the way the bot will fight off any aggro'd targets and continue with the normal routine. The bot will use Quickstep when you have it available. If your mount dies it will ressurect him. When you get accidentally teleported to another location and the gps can't find the route anymore it will drop the tradepack and recall so it can resume. (note this will only happen three times after that the bot will stop)
Upon arriving at the destination it will either walk back / recall when there is no cooldown. And start the whole process again until you dont have materials anymore.
I hope everyone can use this bot with ease. I made it as easy as possible to make you don't have to change anything in the code at all there is a big readme that you should read before using this bot.
What do i charge for this bot absolutely nothing, i do hope that some of you do notice how much work i put into this bot and would consider to donate some money. I have run 12 runs without any problem in the latest version. I have run 80+ runs in total without any problem.
Copy the Plugins folder into your bot folder, do not rename anything.
Have fun automating delivery of your tradepacks !
Readme :
You can press CTRL + I while ingame to see the status of the bot
You can ignore packs.txt its just a list of the currently ingame tradepacks
=== Combat ===
This bot uses a simple attack mechanism to fight off any aggro'd enemies
To change how this bot works simple browse to the folder Combat and place
your skills, buffs and pots in the appropriate text file.
The order that you write your skills in is the order that its going to be executed
make sure that your basic attacks are last!
Melee.txt is for skills with a range of <4
Ranged.txt is for skills wit range >5
If you are a sorcerer please add all your skills to melee and ranged since it does not matter where you stand.
Make sure there is only one HP pot and one MP pot defined in those text files.
The skills need have the exact naming as is displayed in game example you do
not need to write down the rank with it. Same goes for the buffs. You don't need to put in the
buffs for your mount. it has been taken care of internally.
- Snare (good)
- snare (bad)
- Snare (Rank 1) (bad)
=== Crafting ===
To change what the bot crafts and trades you need to change create.txt in Trade folder
The first line is reserved for the trade pack that you want to create the rest is for the ingredients
you need to create the pack. example
=== Create.txt ===
Solzreed Dried Food
Grape 35
Trimmed Meat 50
Quality Certificate 1
== Route ===
You will need a valid route.db3 file placed inside your Route folder. It needs the following GPS Points
it will also need a chain / path to the place where you recall so the bot can use recall whenever its available
MAKE SURE YOU SET THE RIGHT RECALL POINT IN GAME otherwise it might teleport to the wrong area and you don't want that
A = The workbench
B = The gold trader
The files and the source :
Enhanced Trade Run.zip
What will this plugin do for you ?, it will go to the crafting workbench craft a pack if you have enough materials and go to the gold trader in a city that you specify. This will only do land routes and do note you have to record them yourself. If you get attacked along the way the bot will fight off any aggro'd targets and continue with the normal routine. The bot will use Quickstep when you have it available. If your mount dies it will ressurect him. When you get accidentally teleported to another location and the gps can't find the route anymore it will drop the tradepack and recall so it can resume. (note this will only happen three times after that the bot will stop)
Upon arriving at the destination it will either walk back / recall when there is no cooldown. And start the whole process again until you dont have materials anymore.
I hope everyone can use this bot with ease. I made it as easy as possible to make you don't have to change anything in the code at all there is a big readme that you should read before using this bot.
What do i charge for this bot absolutely nothing, i do hope that some of you do notice how much work i put into this bot and would consider to donate some money. I have run 12 runs without any problem in the latest version. I have run 80+ runs in total without any problem.
Copy the Plugins folder into your bot folder, do not rename anything.
Have fun automating delivery of your tradepacks !
Readme :
You can press CTRL + I while ingame to see the status of the bot
You can ignore packs.txt its just a list of the currently ingame tradepacks
=== Combat ===
This bot uses a simple attack mechanism to fight off any aggro'd enemies
To change how this bot works simple browse to the folder Combat and place
your skills, buffs and pots in the appropriate text file.
The order that you write your skills in is the order that its going to be executed
make sure that your basic attacks are last!
Melee.txt is for skills with a range of <4
Ranged.txt is for skills wit range >5
If you are a sorcerer please add all your skills to melee and ranged since it does not matter where you stand.
Make sure there is only one HP pot and one MP pot defined in those text files.
The skills need have the exact naming as is displayed in game example you do
not need to write down the rank with it. Same goes for the buffs. You don't need to put in the
buffs for your mount. it has been taken care of internally.
- Snare (good)
- snare (bad)
- Snare (Rank 1) (bad)
=== Crafting ===
To change what the bot crafts and trades you need to change create.txt in Trade folder
The first line is reserved for the trade pack that you want to create the rest is for the ingredients
you need to create the pack. example
=== Create.txt ===
Solzreed Dried Food
Grape 35
Trimmed Meat 50
Quality Certificate 1
== Route ===
You will need a valid route.db3 file placed inside your Route folder. It needs the following GPS Points
it will also need a chain / path to the place where you recall so the bot can use recall whenever its available
MAKE SURE YOU SET THE RIGHT RECALL POINT IN GAME otherwise it might teleport to the wrong area and you don't want that
A = The workbench
B = The gold trader
The files and the source :
Enhanced Trade Run.zip
[Plugin] Enhanced Trade Run Bot
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