jeudi 27 novembre 2014


Ok so I've played tag with submit a ticket and with Honorbuddy going to the Buddystore more and more I need to get my key fixed. But you guys want me to have a email from over 4+ years old and I don't have. I've contacted paypal and they don't have the transaction. My key is a 3 session key and you are telling me that you can't find my key.. So how can I have a active 3 session key that I purchased through this site but you have no records of it? You won't help me with getting the buddy store working on it, so now I have a 3 session key that is pretty worthless with more and more profiles/plugins going to the buddy store. Your end result.. Buy a new key doesn't work for me because I've already forked over $99 for a 3 session key. I think there is something more that can be done for this and I'm a very upset customer with no help from the staff other than "We can't find your key" then how is my key working for 3 session if you can't find my key??


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