mercredi 26 novembre 2014

[H]Skinning 1-600 (WoD Only)



I going make some new profiles but only in Area's of WoD! So you need 90+ and skin skill.

At the moment is there one profile up Nagrand. This a testing beta profile.

How to use

Setting Bot:

1. WoW Client Start

2. Honorbuddy Start

3. Set Bot on Grind bot

4. Class rotation (Singular ONLY! but other rotation works too)

5. Go to Tools & Settings > Skin mobs on / Ninja on / Loot mobs on

6. Load Profile

7. Click on start

8. Have fun:) its not automatic Profiles!

9. Buy 1 Leatherworking bag or 4x16 perfect:)

10. Dont forgot ingame autoloot ON

Upcoming Profiles / Packed

Only 90+ Profiles!

NEW SVN:New Skins place (Only WoD)

Please leave nice comment in topic with Great Job or what more:) and please report bugs I try to fix it:)

[H]Skinning 1-600 (WoD Only)

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