mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Nav/Mesh error and can I fix it myself?

[Can you move this to the dev forum, probably a better place for it]

Is there anyway to fix nav/mesh errors by myself or do I have to rely on an update to the mesh files? I'm having a problem going from one location to the next I think because of a phase issue but not sure on that. That's what the error says but Position 1 and Position 2 are in the same phase I thought. Anyway, how do I go about fixing said problem or can I?


Could not generate path from {5816.698, 6305.034, 80.94335} to {5965.66, 3433.23, 62.67} on map Draenor (Phase: FWHordeGarrisonLevel1) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

MoveTo failed to move to the location: <5965.66, 3433.23, 62.67>

It's acting like I'm still in my Garrison or something, not sure on that, it's kinda confusing. I'm not for the record, far west of it.

Nav/Mesh error and can I fix it myself?

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