mercredi 26 novembre 2014

New Stat Priorities

These are an updated version of the stat priorities used for auto equip. Use them or not at your discretion, I would recommend saving a backup of your original files in case of HB update or these failing you. The tier choices have not been made for you, but that is something you can change on your own or choose in game.

Monk - Mistweaver.xml

Monk - Windwalker.xml

Monk - Brewmaster.xml

Paladin - Holy.xml

Paladin - Protection.xml

Paladin - Retribution.xml

Mage - Frost.xml

Mage - Fire.xml

Mage - Arcane.xml

Hunter - Beast Mastery.xml

Hunter - Survival.xml

Hunter - Marksmanship.xml

Druid - Balance.xml

Druid - Restoration.xml

Druid - Feral.xml

Druid - Guardian.xml

Death Knight - Unholy.xml

Death Knight - Frost.xml

Death Knight - Blood.xml

Warrior - Protection.xml

Warrior - Fury.xml

Warrior - Arms.xml

Warlock - Destruction.xml

Warlock - Demonology.xml

Warlock - Affliction.xml

Shaman - Restoration.xml

Shaman - Enhancement.xml

Shaman - Elemental.xml

Rogue - Subtlety.xml

Rogue - Combat.xml

Rogue - Assassination.xml

Priest - Discipline.xml

Priest - Holy.xml

Priest - Shadow.xml

Attached Files

New Stat Priorities

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