mercredi 26 novembre 2014

[Questing] Bot runs all the way back to evading mob.

Hello there,

At the moment I am leveling my Rogue with Kick's profiles. I don't go full AFK because I don't really trust the profiles yet and have seen several flaws and "stuck" in it. So I monitor it for about 85% while doing stuff at home, to make sure I don't get reported for being stuck or whatever.

Anyway, what irritates me at the moment is, when my Rogue aggro's several mobs while on it's way to turn in a quest or to pick up one. It runs all the way to the quest giver but as long as it has aggro from the mob (which enevtually runs back and evade) the bot runs all the way back to the spot the mob is originally standing/patrolling. It's highly annoying, especially when monitoring it. Cause this is something I would normally never do. It's a waste of time and completely unnessicairy. I don't have "Kill between hotspots" on. It's silly because it didn't do this before. I have leveled almost all my toons with Kick's profiles.

Is there a way to disable that or to avoid it?

[Questing] Bot runs all the way back to evading mob.

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