jeudi 27 novembre 2014

[Request] - GarrisonBuddy - Who is going to take up the challenge?

I like many others am spending half my day managing garrisons on 15+ alts now, so I'm crying out for a botbase/plugin that can help start to automate the process.

In the longer term, I'd expect some of the smarter devs out there to develop something with bells and whistles that can manage missions effectively, place all your work orders, farm all your stuff, assign correct followers to building etc, but I'd be keen to see one of the well known devs take ownership of such a project, I'm sure there will be good money to be made from it.

I appreciate it's a challenge as the mesh for garrisons is funky at the moment if I am correct in my thinking? Garrisons vary a lot in size and layout, and horde and ally garrison are also totally different, so it's a big project, but to be honest I'm surprised there hasn't been more action on this front to date.

I for one will be more than willing to help with testing anything if it does start to get developed, and will be the 1st in line to pay for a resonably priced solution that gives me back some hours in the day.


[Request] - GarrisonBuddy - Who is going to take up the challenge?

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