mardi 27 janvier 2015

[BotBase] FishingMaster - Full Fishing Automation and even More!

Release version 1.1.2 ~~ More Speedy that Ever! Fast Work, No Lags! ~~

BotBase for Full Fishing Automation

  • Tested and developed with Horde and Alliance Characters 10-100 lvl

  • Tested with CR: Singular, KittyDru, JadyMonk, Insanity, Portal, Tuanha

Optimized for:

+ WoD Fishing [ fully optimized ]

+ Manual Fishing in Any Location, Supported All Fishing Zones Classic, BK, LK, MoP, WoD [ fully optimized ]

+ Auto Fishing: Auto Choose Map, Zone and Spot, Auto Change Fishing Place [ 75% done, coming soon ]

+ Cooking! Easy LevelUp 0 -> 700! Cooking All Draenor Food Supported! [ 98 done, coming soon ]

Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・

  • Coming soon


- [ Basic features ]

-> Auto Move

-> Auto Mount

-> Auto Loot dead enemies

-> AutoSort Bags option

-> Auto Repair & Sell Grey items (Poor quiality)

-> Use Repair Mount (Tundra Mammoth, Grand Expedition Yak etc) for Sell & Repair if available!

-> Auto Resurrect if died

-> Logout from WoW when Done

-> Auto Use Garrison Hearthstone before Logout

-> Auto Use Normal Hearthstone before Logout

-> Auto Equip back Weapon and Armor before Logout

-> Autoreload UI, when bugged

-> Chose and Save Settings for each Character Separately

-> Support Coroutine behaviors: Pull, Combat, PrecombatBuffs, Heal

-> Prevent Ganking - Fight Ganker

-> Move back to Fishing Spot after Combat, Face Water

-> Delete duplicates of Fishing Rodes in

[ Fishing Place ]

-> Manual Place: Put Character in front of Water and Hit "Start Bot"

-> Auto Placement *coming soon*

-> Auto Face water *coming soon*

-> Auto choose Map where to Fish (Ashran, Nagrand, Spires of Arak, Talador, Gorgrond, Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley) optimal for Fishing to gain Meat setted up in Requirements *coming soon*

-> Auto Travel to needed Map via Taxi and Mount *coming soon*

-> Auto choose random Zone in chosen Map to do Fishing *coming soon*

-> Auto choose random Spot in chosen Map and Zone to catch Fish *coming soon*

-> Auto change Zone and Spot after X minutes to prevent Bot detecting! *coming soon*

[ Fish Until - Requirements ]

-> Do Fishing Until Time: X minutes spend

-> Do Fishing Until Gain Meat needed in needed Count (For each Draenor Meat!)

--> CrescentSaberfishFlesh + count needed Count

--> JawlessSkulkerFlesh + count needed Count

--> FatSleeperFlesh + count needed Count

--> BlindLakeSturgeonFlesh + count needed Count

--> FireAmmoniteTentacle + count needed Count

--> SeaScorpionSegment + count needed Count

--> AbyssalGulperEelFlesh + count needed Count

--> BlackwaterWhiptailFlesh + count needed Count

[ Fishing Equipment ]

-> Auto use Best Lures from which we have in Bags

-> Auto use Best Bait depending on Requirements Meat to gain or Map

-> Auto equip Fishing Rode

-> Use best Fishing Rode to equip from Bags

-> Auto equip Fishing Hat

-> Use best Fishing Hat to equip from Bags

-> Auto equip Fishing Boots

-> Use best Fishing Boots to equip from Bags

[ Learning New Recipes ]

-> Auto Learn Profession "Fishing" if not Known

-> Learn "Fishing Guide to Draenor" when we do not Learned yet and have in Bag

-> Learn "Weather-Beaten Journal" when we do not Learned yet and have in Bag (Spell: Find Fish)

[ Fishing Randomizer ]

-> Random Wait Count for Cast Fishing, and reCast

-> Random Wait Count for Get Bobber

-> Random Wait Count for Looting fish

[ Miscellaneous ]

-> Auto Stacks (Use: Gut and clean) All Draenor Fishes by Types

---> Auto Stack Enormous [ 5 to Use ]

---> Auto Stack Abyssal [ to Use ]

---> Auto Stack Small [ 20 to Use ]

[ Cooking ] *coming soon*

-> Learn "The Joy of Draenor Cooking" if we do not know yet *coming soon*

-> Auto Learn All Cooking Recipe we have in Bags and Have enough Skill Level *coming soon*

-> Research all Draernor Recipes if we have Reagents *coming soon*

-> Auto Cook any needed Draenor food, while have reagents [ All Draenor Food Supported! ] *coming soon*

---> BlackrockHam,

---> BraisedRiverbeast,

---> ClefthoofSausages,

---> FatSleeperCakes,

---> FieryCalamari,

---> GrilledGulper,

---> HeartyElekkSteak,

---> PanSearedTalbuk,

---> RylakCrepes,

---> SkulkerChowder,

---> SteamedScorpion,

---> SturgeonStew,

---> BlackrockBarbecue,

---> CalamariCrepes,

---> FrostyStew,

---> GorgrondChowder,

---> SleeperSurprise,

---> TaladorSurfandTurf,

---> ButteredSturgeon,

---> JumboSeaDog,

---> PickledEel,

---> SaltySquidRoll,

---> SleeperSushi,

---> WhiptailFillet,

---> FeastofBlood,

---> FeastoftheWaters.

-> Option to setup Max Count of Item to Cook *coming soon*

GUI Screenshots:

[BotBase] FishingMaster - Full Fishing Automation and even More!

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