mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Trinity crash on startup.

I load up my demonbuddy, and this happends.

I cant select trinity as my combat routine, without the bot crashing.

2014-10-01 21:47:50,941 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Demonbuddy v1.1.2150.383 started

2014-10-01 21:47:53,763 [5] INFO MainWindow (null) - Logging in...

2014-10-01 21:47:53,949 [5] INFO MainWindow (null) - T: 5247163987165197517 H: 271040701

2014-10-01 21:47:54,175 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Attached to Diablo III with pid: 4768

2014-10-01 21:47:54,219 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Flashing window

2014-10-01 21:47:54,508 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Executable Path: E:\Bot\DB\Demonbuddy.exe

2014-10-01 21:47:54,509 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS Architecture: AMD64

2014-10-01 21:47:54,511 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS: Windows 8 64-bit

2014-10-01 21:47:54,512 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - OS Language: English (United States)

2014-10-01 21:47:54,617 [1] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing plugins

2014-10-01 21:47:56,617 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: e:\Bot\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\RefreshItem.cs(63, 35) : error CS0266: Typen 'Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.GemQuality' kan ikke konverteres implicit til 'int'. Der findes en eksplicit konvertering (mangler der en cast?)

2014-10-01 21:47:56,618 [1] INFO AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Compiler Error: e:\Bot\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\RefreshObject.cs(1 06,30) : warning CS0168: Variablen 'ex' er erklæret, men anvendes ikke

2014-10-01 21:47:57,173 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - There are 1 plugins

2014-10-01 21:48:08,510 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestTools][Plugin] v2.1.38 Enabled

Trinity crash on startup.

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