mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Starting out with Hearthbuddy, some important questions

Hi, since HC died I`m currently trying out Hearthbuddy with the 3 day trial :)

I still have some unanswered questions/things where I got confused :confused:

1) I`m using Silverfish (Rush) AI, works good so far. What about Custom.Mulligan? Should I use SilverfishMulligan or Triton.Bot.DefaultMulligan? Do I have to download/copy any files?

2) How on earth can I choose which deck the bot should use? :confused: I can`t figure out how to tell Hearthbuddy which deck to choose if I have - let`s say - 5 different custom decks in Hearthstone. Do I need to choose it manually, then fire up Hearthbuddy? Or do I need to start the first game with my chosen deck and then fire up Hearthbuddy?

3) Is there any way to speed up the bot since I just saw some turns where the bot couldn`t even finish it`s moves/attacks before time ran out? Also it`s way slower than HC was (almost 12min for a single game /w rush Warlock/Zoo deck which is way too slow).

4) Any chance you guys are pressured by Blizzard to end this service in the near future? I really don`t want to buy a second lifetime license which will last for one week :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot :o

Starting out with Hearthbuddy, some important questions

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